Gravid or just receptive?


New Member
My female veiled Cham has been showing her patterns a lot lately, she does it when she is calm just sitting there or eating, I'm just wondering if it's because she's gravid or receptive?


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i think these are just her regular colors, recptive would be yellow and blue dots and lines on a green background and gravid would be a similar pattern on a darker background (even black in the presence of a male)
those are neither receptive nor gravid.

she is pissed.

she may not puff, but normal females have yellow/blue dots.

and when gravid can have black backgrounds with electric yellow and blue dots.

something is making her angry. or shes super excited over her bugs.
yeah those are just her "Get the hell away" from me colours! Karmen displays those the second I start to mist :)
She always does this when I feed her so she must be really excited over the bugs! Thanks everyone!
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