New Member
Ok, so I have had my male and female WC Ousties for about 7-9 months, and my female was just a juvenile, borderline sub-adult when I got her, only about 3 inches STV, rough estimate. She was pretty small, still is, I'd say 6 inches STV length, again, rough estimate. She and my male have an odd relationship. She has to be at a location in her cage where she can see him, and he her, so they have their cages right next to each other and perch as close to each other as possible (it has been noted that males and females possibly form "relationships" in the wild and stay close-by each other), but if I put her in with him (he's bigger than her by about 4 inches STV), she gapes, hisses, darkens, and he, being the big baby that he is, turns and runs away and hides from her. Pretty sad, but funny. So I KNOW for a fact that they have not mated, as I have always monitored their interactions, however, if I completely separate them so they can't see each other, no matter what mood, her being gravid or not, they both stop eating. So lately she has begun to show classic Oustie gravid coloration. Now she is digging in her egg-laying bin (I always provide one to females no matter what), and she is not noticeably gravid, as in I cannot palpate eggs in her abdomen once she deflates. She always puffs her abdomen up, even when she thinks no one is watching her.
I have tried several times introducing them, and she doesn't hiss anymore, she just flashes gravid coloration and the male, being the gentleman he is, walks away. I have tried introducing them at different times of the day, waited a couple weeks, introduced them in their outside cages, doesn't matter, she thinks she is gravid whether she is or isn't. She has been doing this for about a month and a half, and has shown NO eggs upon gentle abdominal palpation, is still eating like normal, etc.
So my questions are, is it possible that she had a male mate with her as a juvenile (poor thing) and retained the sperm for 9 months, or is it possible that she is undergoing follicular development and her subconscious is confusing that with fertile eggs?
I have tried several times introducing them, and she doesn't hiss anymore, she just flashes gravid coloration and the male, being the gentleman he is, walks away. I have tried introducing them at different times of the day, waited a couple weeks, introduced them in their outside cages, doesn't matter, she thinks she is gravid whether she is or isn't. She has been doing this for about a month and a half, and has shown NO eggs upon gentle abdominal palpation, is still eating like normal, etc.
So my questions are, is it possible that she had a male mate with her as a juvenile (poor thing) and retained the sperm for 9 months, or is it possible that she is undergoing follicular development and her subconscious is confusing that with fertile eggs?