Gravid Veiled Chameleo NEED HELP


New Member
I came home from work yesterday and saw my female veiled with gravid colors.
So I made a layin bin for her it's big pot about 2-3 ft tall plenty of room I believe. But she seems to not be be interested ..
Is she not ready ? Am i doing something wrong?..
I'll post pic upon request.
I need help ASAP
Don't want her to get egg bound
I don't have any personal experience with females but I think that it can take several days to weeks from when they first display the gravid colors for them to select a safe place to lay the eggs. I am sure she will be fine and I know more experienced folks will be able to give you better advice.
I just took this picture 5 minutes ago
She's is displaying those colors again.
Earlier when I got him she's was just green with brown

hopefully she's finds a safe place to lay them


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Did you mate her? Did she see a male when she showed these colors? All you can do is be prepared and hopefully she will lay and be fine. Attached below are a few blogs and a couple of videos that you might fine helpful.

Egg laying and the laying bin:
Video on setting up a laying bin:
Receptive female video:
How I keep my veileds:
Keeping a female veiled:
Yes she's has mated with my male
And the male and female are housed together in a big enough cage for them to free roam
She's pretty fat
I don't know the exact weight or length ..
She's around probably 9-11 months old.
Do I need to give her more privacy ??
If that's the case. I will remove the male from her change as soon as I get home from work today.
Here's a pic of her today


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You left the male in her cage?! thats a big no no.

AFter being bred, they have to be seperated.

ALso, it takes about 4-6 weeks for them to lay after being bred.
Oo okay. I will remove the male as soon as I get home.
They seemed to be doing just fine together ..
They're not aggressive to each other at all.
They been liven together since 5 months old.
They should never live together.

these are solitary creatures.

please seperate asap and keep them that way.
Yeah I know but I heard that if you got a big enough enclosure with enough hiding spots and lights that's it'll be possible to house more than together
and that enclosure would have to be like 6x6x6 to even attempt it, but keeping a male and female together is a def no no. he will always want to breed, and taht is bad for the girl.

Also, its for experienced keepers only, and these are just not social chams.

And, male veileds can grow to be 18+ inches long.

My adult male veiled is in a 2x2x4, and if had more space, hed be in a bigger cage.
Mine cage is 6x6x4
Perfect for them..
It's takes up 1/4 of my garage


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That's a great enclosure, but it would be better for her if it were two enclosures. I would love to house multiple chameleons in an enclosure, but its not what is best for them. She is very pretty and needs her privacy! :D Good luck with the eggs!!! ;)
You should never house two veileds together. Ever. It doesn't matter how big the cage is. It's not a good idea. It's a beautiful cafe but not for two. Please if you love your animals separate them.
I am just curious. How many members responding to this post have experience housing veileds or for that matter any chameleon species together? I'm not saying that the op should keep them together but from my experience I am not convinced that it can never be done.

I'd be very interested to hear about experiences pro and con.
I would also be interested to hear from some of the experts out there as well on this-it is a fascinating subject. The article linked seemed to reference hatchlings, clutchmates being kept together in the first few months. That seems to be a common practice. I have not read anything about keeping one male and one female together constantly- I would think that could cause stress to the gravid female. I did read an article once about someone keeping a male with several females, "harem style" in a giant cage. The thought being that each female got her privacy when he was pestering another... :)
I free range all my chameleons in my tiny house. The girls both veileds and panthers (up to four of them) always have a room to themselves with the door closed and each had their separated free range with lights. I've had males go down the hall and scratch at their door trying to get to the girls. All of my male panther boys got along ok and stayed in one big room in my house......the living room/dinning room/kitchen combo. Each had their own separate free range and lights. At one time I had four free ranges and four boys. They did roam and I had two that enjoyed spending time together. The other two kept to theirself. My veiled Luie had his own room and got upset when he saw the panther boys but loved the veiled and panther girls. :D Right now my veiled Sage canb tolerate my panther, Parsonii and gracefull but I do not allow them to see each other for long. The Graceful doesn't really like seeing the veiled. The Parsons shows no reaction and the Gracefull and Panther get along the best. The panther I have now was one of the ones that like to buddy with another panther. He lost his buddy last September and he gets along with everybody. I hope this helps.
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