Gravid veiled female eyes can't open


New Member
Hi. I have gravid veiled chameleon. Both eyes are closed and seems swolen. They have a grey/black "bags" underneath the eyes. We dont have a vet that can help. What can I do?
i have no idea what that means for her to have dark bags under her eyes. but if her eyes are closed be sure she is still getting water (at least) and some food if possible. i'm sorry i can't help :(
Picture please....

Could we get a good picture? One of the eyes and one of the overall body? There is not much anyone can offer without the pictures...
hi.trouble with my internet. on my phone right now. ill take pics as soon as i can. i got her to drink water today. both eyes are shut. sad. feel helpless.
You could take her to the vet. I don't how close you are to Fishhoek but I read on here that there's a herp vet in Fishhoek.
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Without knowing what you have been feeding her, cage setup, lighting it is hard to determine what may have caused this issue. How often do you mist her? Females that are developing eggs have a lot of nutritional requirements because it takes a lot out of them to produce those eggs. Fill out the info. like Steve requested and we should be able to help you out.
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