green tree pythons?

Why are keeping a Corn with an Argentine and previously the ATB? It's not like snakes like "friend" snakes?

Beyond the fact that all 3 species require VASTLY different husbandry parameters.

No, I meant that I could not afford a $3000 snake. I could very easily keep them in their own tanks. I was just unaware that the had to be separated. I can understand if they were snake eating snakes like a king or a milksnake, but what is wrong with them being together. My boyfriend knows more about snakes than I do but now I am interested in what you have to say.
actually theyve been doing quite well, so before you bash people maybe you should relax a bit
the tree boa was doing great the humidity in the enclosure was fine, and corn can have high humidity so they did quite well together, corn was always under the logs at the bottem of the cage while the Ammie was up in the canopy, the amazon was eating well and angry as all hell all the time, we had him for about a year, but he randomly just passed away, the corn was put into quarantine, and the corn was fine, he stayed away from the other animals for about 6 months, now the argentine is in with him, and they get along well, still high humidity, and thriving well
And the snakes will continue to do well together... Until something goes wrong.

However you have already proven there is something wrong if a young snake dies without a known reason.

What benifit are they receiving from cohabitation that outweighs the many risks?

We are discussing this with you out of concern for the animals.

Ashley, and to answer your comment. Snakes are opportunistic and instinctive feeders. Some may be more commonly labled as 'Snake eating snakes', however any snake can eat another, and sometimes they do. Ball Pythons and some boa species have eaten their "friends". In fact some will eat enother during breeding, or even eat their own tail.
i can understand that you guys are worried about them, the ammie wasnt very young at all, he was already about 4 feet, I have no idea why he died, ive had snakes ever since i was 6 years old, this is the only one that ever died, so i think it was something that i just wasnt able to control, could have been parasite or something along the lines, he did not show any symptoms or unusual behavior until the day he died. we make sure that when they are fed they are seperated, its happened before were the corn actually snatched food from the other snake, when i was in a hurry and fed them with out seperating (happened only once), and we do everything we can to make sure ALL of our reptiles are healthy
A fight that neither will win...

It can be frustrating to hear about an animal that is not living in it's prime conditions. Yes it may not be correct but it is working for now so why mess with something that is working. It will change eventually i'm sure. I just wanted to end my participation in this thread saying that I heed your warning and I thank you for your advice, afterall, that is why we are here. I do not like to argue as it solves nothing and I do believe that this is another of those instances.
Why mess with something that is working for now?
Because it only works, Till it doesn't. Risk.

As far as your experience and past snake, with the Amazon being the only one that died, and the one that was in cohabitation, that's a signal. Even if the initial problem was not from the other snake, it could have easily progressed to rapid death because of it.
there are very few reptiles that o well with cohabitation. The ball python does, but is recommended to keep them sepperated
i had a baby biak GTP..I bought him at one show and sold him at another cause he was soooo nasty..i couldnt get my hand in the tank for a second to clean it without him striking me..He was really cool looking but they dont move much and u cant really handle them unless u get a nice one..they are more a show snake. But really cool looking
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