New Member
I'm new to this forum and fairly new to chameleons. I just picked up a female Veiled Chameleon about a month ago from a reptile convention. I suppose she's about 4-5 months old. Not exactly positive on that. I usually empty a bag of 10 small crickets into her cage every day or every other day. I leave mealworms in a dish at the bottom so she can eat if she can't wait for the crickets. I just recently tried giving her a bit of a banana and it took a little while, but she ate it seeing her eat other foods really make me happy. I want to try other fruits and veggies now, see what she likes, what she doesn't. The banana was easy to give, I cut a thin slice and left it on a branch. The stickiness of the banana was perfect for it to be high up, where she likes, yet not fall off. I was wondering about slices of bananas, carrots, grapes, etc... what would be the best way to feed her? I've read people hand feed but she is still terrified of me I really wish she wasn't. but as soon as I open the door to her cage she immediately runs and hides. I tried holding a mealworm & cricket with chopsticks, moving very slowly towards her but she just continues backing away. Will she realize the apple slices, or whatever, is in the bowl? and if anyone has any tips on how to get her to stop fearing me. I understand they don't like to be handled, and I don't try to that often at all. I would at least like her to not spazz out when I even start to open the cage. Thanks all and I look forward to being a new member on this forum sorry if this was all answered already but I get more comfort in being answered direct. If that makes any sense..