Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, Male, I'm guessing 4-5 months? Been in my care for two.
Handling - Rarely, last time was to move him into a new cage.
Feeding - 4 medium crickets a day, the latest I might feed him is 3pm, although it's usually around 11-12. Dinofuel + varied greens. This week collard. Plus gel water.
I use mealworms, hornworms and silkworms as treats.
Supplements - Calcium dusting every day, d3 + multivitamins once every other week.
Watering - My girlfriend mists once in the morning (I'm usually at work before sunrise) and I mist 3-4 times after that using warm water and a pump sprayer. I suppose it takes 3-5 minutes to cover everything. I see him drink when I've gotten water on him, but not otherwise.
Fecal Description - dark brown, white urate.
History - Gotten from a petsmart, not particularly friendly (I've been trying to take steps to make him more comfortable)
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 18 x 18 x 36 screen.
Lighting - reptisun 5.0 tube light, reptile basking light w/dimmer. Both on a 12hr timer.
Temperature - 85-87 in basking spot, 70-73 on the bottom. thermometer/hygrometer in top and bottom.
Humidity - It's 40-45% when I come home, and then ranges from 50%-80% as I mist and let it dry throughout the day. I mist for the last time maybe 1 hr 1/2 before lights out.
Plants - One umbrella tree, one small pothos, and some baby tears. I also have assorted fake plants.
Placement - Between kitchen and living room. Traffic includes me, my girlfriend, and two cats that have no idea there's a reptile in the house. The top of the cage is 56 inches high, so maybe 4 1/2 ft? (I would like it higher, just can't afford a new shelf quite yet)
Location - Santa Fe, NM (dry climate, high altitude)
Current Problem - I feel like when my guy was younger he was super bright green. Now I can see where his yellow bars want to to start showing, but he's kind of grey and dull. Is this normal? Should I be worried, or change something?
Here's a picture of my guy, and of his enclosure.
Your Chameleon - Veiled, Male, I'm guessing 4-5 months? Been in my care for two.
Handling - Rarely, last time was to move him into a new cage.
Feeding - 4 medium crickets a day, the latest I might feed him is 3pm, although it's usually around 11-12. Dinofuel + varied greens. This week collard. Plus gel water.
I use mealworms, hornworms and silkworms as treats.
Supplements - Calcium dusting every day, d3 + multivitamins once every other week.
Watering - My girlfriend mists once in the morning (I'm usually at work before sunrise) and I mist 3-4 times after that using warm water and a pump sprayer. I suppose it takes 3-5 minutes to cover everything. I see him drink when I've gotten water on him, but not otherwise.
Fecal Description - dark brown, white urate.
History - Gotten from a petsmart, not particularly friendly (I've been trying to take steps to make him more comfortable)
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 18 x 18 x 36 screen.
Lighting - reptisun 5.0 tube light, reptile basking light w/dimmer. Both on a 12hr timer.
Temperature - 85-87 in basking spot, 70-73 on the bottom. thermometer/hygrometer in top and bottom.
Humidity - It's 40-45% when I come home, and then ranges from 50%-80% as I mist and let it dry throughout the day. I mist for the last time maybe 1 hr 1/2 before lights out.
Plants - One umbrella tree, one small pothos, and some baby tears. I also have assorted fake plants.
Placement - Between kitchen and living room. Traffic includes me, my girlfriend, and two cats that have no idea there's a reptile in the house. The top of the cage is 56 inches high, so maybe 4 1/2 ft? (I would like it higher, just can't afford a new shelf quite yet)
Location - Santa Fe, NM (dry climate, high altitude)
Current Problem - I feel like when my guy was younger he was super bright green. Now I can see where his yellow bars want to to start showing, but he's kind of grey and dull. Is this normal? Should I be worried, or change something?
Here's a picture of my guy, and of his enclosure.