Guidance please

Hi guys can some one please tell me I'm just being paranoid.

Just picked up my chameleon and made the two hour drive home.

When I got home and put him in the travel container in cage he didn't move at all and hasn't since. Sent a picture to the breeder and he said it's his bedtime and he's just sleeping.

But when I checked on my dubia and silkworms I also got from the breeder none of them appear to be moving at all either.

What is going on and am I just freaking out?


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Hi guys can some one please tell me I'm just being paranoid.

Just picked up my chameleon and made the two hour drive home.

When I got home and put him in the travel container in cage he didn't move at all and hasn't since. Sent a picture to the breeder and he said it's his bedtime and he's just sleeping.

But when I checked on my dubia and silkworms I also got from the breeder none of them appear to be moving at all either.

What is going on and am I just freaking out?
Can you take him out and give us a better picture? Also his eyes looks a little opened.
Can you take him out and give us a better picture? Also his eyes looks a little opened.
Should I disturb him? It is his normal nighttime and was in the dark during the ride.

I got him from a very reputable breeder and picked him up in person. I don't see how anything could have happened ina 2 hour drive. Just surprised he didn't/hasn't moved when he was in the light before I put him in cage.

Then I saw none of the silkies or dubiaswere moving and started getting worried
Can you take him out and give us a better picture? Also his eyes looks a little opened.
His eyes did appear slightly open and he doesn't appear limp or dead just no movement. It's my first cham so I think I'm just being worried. And that he will be climbing around in morning
How are the bugs doing? You can shine a light into their containers without disturbing any of the other occupants in the room. Silkworms, IME, don't move too much, but if they seem deflated then something may be wrong. Dubias tend to move when they are disturbed. Maybe pull the dubia roaches out of your cham's room and try agitating them so they will be inclined to move? Are they on an egg-crate or something?

I'd leave the cham alone unless the bugs in the container aren't moving at all.

Unless you left your chameleon in a hot car, you should have nothing to worry about--thank goodness it is winter! Everything is probably alright, though I would give the bugs a check. They can be an indicator of sorts.
His eyes did appear slightly open and he doesn't appear limp or dead just no movement. It's my first cham so I think I'm just being worried. And that he will be climbing around in morning
Dubias don’t really move around much. Silks not much but you can definitely see that they move/are alive. Can I see a picture of them? Also I’d just say wait for tomorrow morning he’s probably fine and just tired/sleeping (I don’t know though) if tomorrow he still doesn’t open his eyes then something is wrong and it’s not your fault and he’s probably been like that a while.
Dubias don’t really move around much. Silks not much but you can definitely see that they move/are alive. Can I see a picture of them? Also I’d just say wait for tomorrow morning he’s probably fine and just tired/sleeping (I don’t know though) if tomorrow he still doesn’t open his eyes then something is wrong and it’s not your fault and he’s probably been like that a while.
I picked him up at the breeders and we talked for quite awhile while little man hung out on a plant and he was in great shape. I'm gonna just calm myself down till tomorrow, just worried.

I really don't see how it is possible for anything to happen in a easy 2 hour drive when he was in tip top shape when we left.
I picked him up at the breeders and we talked for quite awhile while little man hung out on a plant and he was in great shape. I'm gonna just calm myself down till tomorrow, just worried.

I really don't see how it is possible for anything to happen in a easy 2 hour drive when he was in tip top shape when we left.
He’s still in the cup?
In the cup in the cage with no lid so he can climb out on his own time since the breeder said he's just sleeping when I sent him picture
Just make sure the cup is safely placed you don’t want it to fall (if it’s above the ground) and you want to make sure he can get out of it on his own :)
Dubias and silks still not moving which is what got me worried cause it just doesn't make sense. I saw these all alive moving all over the place right before driving home with everything


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Seems like the chameleon is fine. Let him get his beauty rest--nothing to worry about.

Let us know how he is in the morning.

Can you pull the bug containers out of the room that you are keeping him in? I'm more interested in the bugs at this point. I want to calm your fears. Bring the dubias into a room with the lights on and open the container. Scoot the bugs around and see if they move.

Edit--Never mind, I see the pics now.
Dubias and silks still not moving which is what got me worried cause it just doesn't make sense. I saw these all alive moving all over the place right before driving home with everything
So usually I move mine into a bigger container with egg carton so they can move around and have space and all that. They look squished so I don’t see how they could really move much
Silkworms don't move much. Put the dubia roaches in a larger container with egg cartons so the can move around. If you run your finger through the dubia container with absolutely no movement, then something is wrong with the dubias. You can always put them on a plate and see if they run away.
Silkworms don't move much. Put the dubia roaches in a larger container with egg cartons so the can move around. If you run your finger through the dubia container with absolutely no movement, then something is wrong with the dubias. You can always put them on a plate and see if they run away.
If you’re scared of them like me I would not do that instead dump them in their new home and they should move and scramble. If you’re not afraid than go ahead 😆
These things have to be dead. I don't understand how this is possible what the f**k.

I'm going to be devastated if something happened to my cham. I am so confused


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Live in new England but car wasnt cold when I loaded him in and drove straight home no stops other than 2 minutes at dunkin drive through for a coffee. Ambient temp in car during ride was high 60 low 70
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