Guinea pigs

pssh your Mabel looks a lot like my Sparky (rip). Guinea pigs are great little critters. My rabbit taught my two GPs to poop in a litter box. All of them knew their names and what "treat time" meant. ;)

My Hamsters never learnt a thing. I think my frogs have more apparent smarts. I cant imagine what I saw in hamsters, but nevertheless loved them all the same.

I miss having rodents.
Cute peruvian piggies you got there!!!! They along my favorite along with the abbys...crazy hair. I use to have 16 piggers at one time, all rescues that I rehomed.

I only have one now and she came from a petco. I called animal control as soon as I left b/c of the dead ones in the cage with her!! She was very sick and underweight. She's finally improving.

Here she is.....her name is Hazel
Here's my english angora rabbit. She was a show turned breeder rabbit that I talked down in price b/c I didn't care about her papers. She was matted to the skin!! When we spayed her at work, I had to shave her down. Her wool is a lot of work and I keep trimmed around 4 inchs long. She's not very outgoing but loves to be groomed every week. She lives inside and litter boxed trained.

Her name is Truffles....

This is Rocher as in the candy ferero(sp?) rocher that I got as a baby. He's 7 months old and aa satin angora. He's neuter too and a great bunny!! They both get to come out and run my house every evening for a few hours while my parrots are out.

He does burn outs on the couch and is a wild man!!! Coco my blue and gold macaw hates him along with Waffles my hahns macaw...haha

Here his is in the exercise pen with Hazel. Both buns love her and are very good. They groom eachother:)

In addition to them I have 7 tarantulas, 1 bearded dragon, 3 water turtles, 17 inside birds, 1 cham of course,2 corns, 1 kenyan sand boa, 7 dog, 3 cats, 2 goats, lots of chickens, 1 betta, 1 russian tortoise and my 60 gal reef tank. Its a zoo here:)
I wish mine would poop in their litter box! They only pee in it...

I'd imagine being a trophy wife would be nice for a while, but I'd get bored. I'm too hands on with things and I'd end up with crazy projects that would clutter the house.

Hazel, Truffles, and Rocher are cute!
Being an "elder" woman -- born eons ago.... I have kept guineas, rats and mice as companion animals. They were a delight. Have also kept yellow amazon, yellow nape, half moon, and various keets. Once we had a little human in the house the big birds had to go for safety reasons. Particularly the yellow nape -- bonded with me as a baby bird and even chased the husband. I miss them all much. Currently the only mammales in the home outside the two-legged are two dogs -- both rescue animals and unfortunately ageing too fast. Would the 24 head of bovine I get to play with at work count?
I have one blond fuzzy Guinea Pig and a dog as far as mammals are concerned. Other than that it is one Cockatiel that I have had since a hatchling, two turtles, two Veiled Chameleons, and about 37 snakes (mostly different ball python morphs, but I also have a couple burms, several boas, and two corn snakes)
If you do get a chance to get a ball python later on they make great pets. Their are also some wonderful color morphs out there too. My piebald is my absolute favorite, but their are some very beautiful co-doms out there thsat are not quite as pricy.


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Thanks, he is one of my favorites. Hopefully next year he will make me some babies with his girlfriends for me.
I keep African Pygmy Hedgehogs, Stella and Rodney. Rodney even placed 1st and 3rd in his class at a show a month or so ago. :) Stella doesn't compete because she is a huffy little thing. I used to have a suggie... she sadly passed a few months after going through a really bad accident with me. She used to go to my night class with me in my pocket... my college professor saw her poke her head out one night and was so excited he stopped the entire class to see her! :) Funny thing was every time I order pizza... she would somehow escape her enclosure and I would always find her in the pizza box scarfing up as much pizza as possible before I would put her back. To this day I still don't know how she got out. lol! She was a silly suggie!
I keep African Pygmy Hedgehogs, Stella and Rodney. Rodney even placed 1st and 3rd in his class at a show a month or so ago. :) Stella doesn't compete because she is a huffy little thing. I used to have a suggie... she sadly passed a few months after going through a really bad accident with me. She used to go to my night class with me in my pocket... my college professor saw her poke her head out one night and was so excited he stopped the entire class to see her! :) Funny thing was every time I order pizza... she would somehow escape her enclosure and I would always find her in the pizza box scarfing up as much pizza as possible before I would put her back. To this day I still don't know how she got out. lol! She was a silly suggie!

Aww! Suggies are so full of character! Didn't know that they like pizza though!:p That sounds so cute! I used to take my l'il boy suggie everywhere with me in a pouch round my neck! He even came shopping in the supermarket with me, lol! Shame they are stinky though!:eek:
My first love before chameleons was ferrets. i am currently down to one and love her to death. she is eight right now and her age is showing. ferrets are a little stinky but they are great pets, lots of of work but easy compared to the chams. i think my next pet will be a hedgehog though.
How do you even find hedgehogs in Cali? I know there are lots of ferrets, but I have yet to see hedgehogs or sugar gliders...
i went out of state for my ferrets and probably would for the hedgehogs too i dont really mind the drive (sounds like a good excuse for a trip to me). i have not started to do the research yet either so im not sure whether or not they will actually become an option yet. Oregon seems to be the only state with breeders listed thats close enough. i know they are illegal in az but im not sure about nv so the search is on for somewhere close enough to drive to. i know petfinder has them listed sometimes too but i dont know if one will ever be close enough to pick up.
LOl, they look like a pair of demonically possesed wigs! Be a laugh to set them loose on the floor of a hairdressing salon! :D
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