
The only thing I did differently lately is give her & the others a shower that lasted about ten minutes in luke warm water about two days ago. The 2 times I saw her mouth open I thought the room temp was too hot. As soon as I lowered the temp in the room she didn't need to keep her mouth open but still held it pointed upward. There is a humidifier in the room so if the door swings shut the temp is a little high.
I have to get to work now so Ill check back later , thanks ........
Why are you not taking her to a Vet? I also see you are not answering some of the questions that have been asked of you. This is one case where you should not hesitate to get treatment for her. My "guesses" would be URI, or eggs compressing her lungs, or both.
Why are you not taking her to a Vet? I also see you are not answering some of the questions that have been asked of you. This is one case where you should not hesitate to get treatment for her. My "guesses" would be URI, or eggs compressing her lungs, or both.

I tried to answer every question that was asked & I am currently looking for a herp vet in my area. I also was hoping for someone who has dealt with uri in the past for info on what kind of treatments are the most effective . I would have to assume with a cham, it would be a widely used , most effective remedy.
I tried to answer every question that was asked & I am currently looking for a herp vet in my area. I also was hoping for someone who has dealt with uri in the past for info on what kind of treatments are the most effective . I would have to assume with a cham, it would be a widely used , most effective remedy.

If its URI then you will probably be given baytril to administer for 7 to 10 days. If i was you I would ask the vet for an alternative to baytril as it can cause severe dehydration and this can lead to worse problems. You will more than likely lose your eggs too mainly due to the stress. Keep a close eye on her and make sure she doesnt get so stressed she becomes eggbound. She will die if you dont get her treated and being gravid makes things a little more complicated.

You have to decide which is worth the most to you, the eggs or the female. I had a vet ask me the same thing once for exactly the same situation and i nearly fell off my chair!!! To me it wasnt a choice, she was far more inportant than a few eggs so i sacrificed them to save her and shes fine now.

Good luck with her.
You said that baytril can cause severe dehydration....I thought that it can cause kidney damage (and I know that in some animals it causes crystalluria)...and that's why its important to keep the chameleon well hydrated when its on baytril. I'd be very interested in reading any papers/information you read that indicates that baytril causes dehydration.

Julirs said..."My "guesses" would be URI, or eggs compressing her lungs, or both" thoughts exactly.

Is she quite large/wide?
And again....Does she have a place in the cage to dig to show you when she's ready to lay the eggs?
Has she laid eggs before?
sounds like both too me :( being gravid makes it that much more difficult, hopefully you can get to a vet pretty quick... in the meantime i would turn off that humidifier.
I've had her since november & she was 10 months at that time. I don't know if she laid eggs before, she hasn't yet for me & she does have a bin with sand for when she's ready. She wieghed 65 grams in mid december when she mated & she's at 80 now , so I'm pretty sure she's prego. So this morning when I checked her mouth I didn't see anything stuck or any mucous so I used a dropper & gave her water & put her back. 5 minutes later she took a poop which I had not seen lately. I noticed when I cleaned up , it was not normal looking , The first inch of it was really hard & dark connected to the rest which was soft & normal & then the white urates. I'm thinking she was backed up because after that , there hasn't been any signs of uncomfortability at all. No head in the air, no tongue movement in the gullar, & she's walking around normally . I gave her a snack waxworm & she took it so I know there is no issues with that too. Lights are out & she is sleeping normally also. I am definately going to keep an eye on her but most of the symptoms have subsided. Hopefully thats all it was.....
Thank you , Carol , M. Ryan , Kinyonga, Gaxmode, & Benton for giving me great advice. For an Update , It has been 10 days & hasn't had any symptoms. My concern however is that her appetite is gone. I weighed her & she lost 6 grams in 10 days[down to 74].I also noticed this morning what appears to be a practice hole in her laying bin. I have sand in there moistened to be able to form a tunnel. Could that mean that she doesn't like the spot & would refuse to lay or she is just checking or practicing ?
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