Gut Load

Whats a good gut load for your cham's food that wont get old so quickly?

fixed it for you, I think. ;)

the answer is....nothing.

you need to feed your feeders fresh greens and fruits/veggies each day.
kale, colard greens, dandilion, are good greens. slices of orange, carrots, sweet potato, strawberries, are examples of good stuff to add for moisture and vitamins.

I assume you mean wet gutload? Well, if you're getting tired of buying bags of greens that go bad after 3 days you can always turn to the bags of frozen veggies at your supermarket. Stuff like carrots last and last, but other veggies you can probbaly find frozen in packets, so you remove what you need to thaw and put the rest back in the freezer.

My dubias love mango, they go nuts for it, but since it's not a great gutload to be fed off to the chams, I only feed them a little bit every once in a while. So I have bags of frozen mango chunks that I feed from to last me longer. So you can see if that's an alternative you can use, at least with some wet gutoad options.
nother good option you can do is you can blemd the grrens with carrots and make a smoothey and put it in a ice cube container the thing with the squares and keep it in the freezer. So when its time to gutload you take it out and the crickets just lick it up. Something another member on this forum said he did.
Freezing things messes with the nutritional value. When I blend stuff it doesn't really go bad in the coldest part of my fridge for about two weeks if I put cling wrap over it. The bast thing is obviously going to be fresh veggies, but you do what you can.
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