
I gutload crickets with a wide variety of greens (dandelion, endive, escarole, mustard greens, kale, collards, etc.) and veggies (carrot, sweet potato, zucchini, sweet red pepper, squash, etc.).
comercially wise nothing has been satisfactory?
I was wondering about that..
most seems to mix their own gutload eh?
I get mine at Its quite loaded with goodies. Some of the nutrients you wont find in fruits/veggies like protein. Plus it doesn't Rot or mold.
How do you guys maintain your cricket cages without the mess/stink getting out of hand? When I put fruit/dry gutload/collard greens in my little cricket cage I try to keep the dry stuff in one bottlecap and the greens in a different area but things always end up getting all mixed in with the feces, dead crickets, and spare cricket body parts (anyone need a left jumper leg? I've got plenty to go around...:) )

After no more than 2-3 days it's a mess and looks like a breeding ground for bacteria.

Is there a clean (or even halfway clean) way to house crickets for a few weeks at a time?

I only get about 20-30 crickets at a time. I feed the cham about 2-4 a day, depending on if i give him a wax worm or not.

he usually goes through that many in about a week and half, so after all the crickets are gone, i clean out the little plastic cage, dump the egg carton, and put in new fluker orange. Doesnt seem to smell, if at all on the rotation. but the cage i use for crickets doesnt have alot of ventillation really either.
2-4 crix a day? wow. is that under feeding? We buy about 3 or 4 dosen a week and feed scooter about 10 a day so it lasts about a week.

At the end of the week we clean the cage really well and then put the new crix in there.

I still have access to buying WildEyeReptiles gutload and continue to use it. I usually purchase between 10-20 pounds on a fairly regular basis and share it with several other keepers including the local reptile store. I'm still up to sharing it with more keepers who are willing to pick it up from me in Manhattan Beach:). I'll continue to sell it at cost which is about $4 a pound and that includes what I spend getting it shipped to me too.
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dodolah said..."comercially wise nothing has been satisfactory?
I was wondering about that..most seems to mix their own gutload eh?"...I seem to have attained a balance of nutrients feeding the insects and supplementing the reptiles and using the lights that I use so I don't want to change things. I'm not saying that there are not any good comercial products out there...but every time I'd seem to get things balanced either something becomes unavailable or the product gets I'd rather just do it the way I do.
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