Gutloade crickets


New Member
Why is it important to gut-load crickets before you feed them to your chameleon. Also I was wondering is there a certain age/ size you can buy crickets at so they do not make any chirping noises?
Welcome to the forum Iceface2....its like when u drinking a smoothie the more nutritional ingredients in ur smoothie the more healthier u get.and the chirping crickets are usually the older males calling for their wifey females so if u get the younger size one,you shall have a quiet dreams at night,hope this helps
Gut loading is important to balance out the nutrition provided by the insects. Since insects do not naturally contain all the necessary nutrients, it is best to feed them when their insides are filled with food that does contain the necessary vitamins. It's best to gut load insects with fresh fruits and veggies. Avoid the orange cubes you can get at the pet store. They are useless and grow bacteria and nasty stuff.

If you get small or medium sized crickets, you will have two weeks or so before the males grow their wings and start chirping.
Gut loading is important to balance out the nutrition provided by the insects. Since insects do not naturally contain all the necessary nutrients, it is best to feed them when their insides are filled with food that does contain the necessary vitamins. It's best to gut load insects with fresh fruits and veggies. Avoid the orange cubes you can get at the pet store. They are useless and grow bacteria and nasty stuff.

If you get small or medium sized crickets, you will have two weeks or so before the males grow their wings and start chirping.
Thats exactly what i meant ,i agree.on this totally.
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