im having trouble with my new set of dubia. i have put food in their tank and they only eat the lettuce,take a bite out of the carrot and leave everything else. want can i do?
Yes, what other foods are you offering? My dubs and hissers eat everything! Carrots, kale, oranges, bananas, bugburger and a dry gutload from the LPS...
My dubia love oranges and clementines! They hate potato and they will eat banana but seem to not enjoy it as much. I put in half a clementine the other day and they ate it by the time I woke up the next morning lol also make sure you have enough heat, between 85-90 degrees. They are more active when it is warmer and they breed faster when the temp is right. A lot of people on the forum say that oranges seem to help them breed. Not sure if that is fact or fiction there.
i did attach a heating pad to their tank, but i am guessing its not enough heat. i give them lettuce,beets, apples, banana, oranges, carrots,bell pepper ( they don't seem to like it thou) peaches. i wanna start giving them cactus and green beans