

New Member
i saw Zoo med habba mist at a local repltile store and i was wondering if it was worth spending the $70 on that mister. Has anyone had these and how well did they work?
I have never had one but from what people say here they arent worth it.

I have heard good things about Mist King, one of the site sponsors
i hate habba mist, I'll sell it to you for 20 bucks if you need it.
It's never been used. But, the outside box has been collecting dust.

I saw how they work at my friend's house.. and, I realized that the correct term for it is habba spit.
It spits waters not mist them.

I recommend a real misting system; yes, they are expensive. But, totally worth it.
The system ensures my delicate fingers and hands stay pretty and not developed calluses from manual misting HAHAHAHAHA:D :D :D :D

Notice i am using a reverse psychology to try to sell you my habba spit.. does it work? LOL
Habba spit? Maybe you could have tried changing the thing that the water comes out of? Can't think of the name right now.
Check this out.

HABBA MIST: The lady kinda rambles so feel free to skip all the first 3 minutes.

Did you notice it spit out water? and WTH with the sounds? I swear it sounds like my Jack La Lanne Juicer.:D

MISTER SYSTEM (Mist king/ herpmist/ promist):
Check the water droplets...
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i would agree with dodolah. They are pieces of crap. Mist should not be in their name at all. I have one on one of my cages upstairs that isn't hooked up to the misting machine. I end up manually spraying the cage four times a day anyways. Don't spend the money. I did because it was for my first cham and I thought it was the way to go. It most definitely is not the way to go. Buy a misting system because you will buy a second chameleon. Everyone buys a second chameleon, and then you will end up with ten like me and manually misting is not an option and ten habba spits are pretty expensive anyways. That's just my take though.
thanks a lot guys saved me a good bit of money. when i get my taxes back and order my new cage im gonna buy a mist king i think.
If you go to lowes, or home depot, go to the garden center and pick up a weed sprayer. IT works great to spray a chams cage.
Buy a misting system because you will buy a second chameleon. Everyone buys a second chameleon, and then you will end up with ten like me and manually misting is not an option

I just bought my second...and i see Mist King in my future...
btw, probably not the best video to use... This video was used actually by one of my customers to show me why the pump was so loud :) He bought the advanced 110V pump which is really meant to run 50+ nozzles. He used it on one tank. The pump was working very hard and pushing most of the water through the bypass valve. He has since then exchanged his pump and is using the standard pump which is pretty much silent... just an FYI :)
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