
Agreed.....that an extreamly powerful earth quake hits the poorest country in the western hemisphere in the city. Like it literly was planned....so sad....but all we can do now is pray and hope. The living people of hati will prevale.
Wish I could help but I'm not too sure the mother would appreciate $10 being put on the already high phone bill. Anyone know of any other way to donate?
Slightly OT... Though we did donate $10 to the cause I find it very frustrating that we can pour countless money into things like this; aid to this place and that place. We care so much about everybody else yet millions of Americans sit on home because our country is in the tank. At what point do we take care of us?
Slightly OT... Though we did donate $10 to the cause I find it very frustrating that we can pour countless money into things like this; aid to this place and that place. We care so much about everybody else yet millions of Americans sit on home because our country is in the tank. At what point do we take care of us?

While it is aweful what is going on in Haiti, that was very well said, Chad, and exactly what I think everytime we pour so much $$ everywhere else but into our own country that has its own problems.
There's really no comparison between the situation in Haiti and to the economic difficulties in the USA.

Or at least I believe most People in the USA generally do not die on the streets or starve to death or see and smell thousands of people crushed to death in building collapses. I believe there are social assistance measures, food stamps and shelters etc in the USA. True, many american citizens lost work recently, and its hard. Primarily this was due to their own countries economic choices, not a sudden wide-spread crushing dissaster. There is no comparison between lack of high paying employment, to loosing whole families and neighbourhoods, to getting crushed by crumbling buildings, having no where to sleep and no water to drink.
Those of us fortunate and rich enough to own a computer and a chameleon ought not to complain about anything at all.
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You are correct that a catastrophic natural disaster like what just happened and what is going on in America are two totally different types. However what is going on here is no doubt a disaster in its own right. When people are loosing their homes, their jobs and a total sense of self due to things outside of their control I take extreme cause. Just about every first world country is used to the luxuries that we have, to have a computer in the US and in Canada is not to be “rich”, in Africa if you have 3 cows in stead of 1 you are “rich”, its all perspective, and your point on this is totally invalid. I have no problem that we are helping the people of Haiti, I did myself and I am proud that MY country always steps up to lend a hand when it is needed.

I can complain and I will complain, that is my right as an American... Eh... I have been to New Orleans pre Katrina and post. For the most part that area is still a disaster, why can we not fix our own country before we focus on so many other places other than home? Where were all the war ships, C130’s, helicopters, ECT, ECT from other countries when Katrina happened or at 9-11?

I am not saying that our own country is not to blame for the state that we are in (where is Tyler to go on a Repub rant?); however we are responsible for our own recovery. We are not responsible to be the world’s police and disaster fund. I just took the opportunity to interject my frustration that we can do this while putting aside our own domestic problems.
Catastrophes are, in their own odd way, "sexy" - they have a way of riveting attention. People queued up to give blood and overwhelmed the Red Cross in the week of 9-11. Donations poured in during the week/month of Katrina. - And then, a week or month or two later (people still need blood, New Orleans would remain in crisis for the better part of a year), it got to be old news, people went back to whatever they'd been doing, donations dried up. Just the way it is.
And then, a week or month or two later (people still need blood, New Orleans would remain in crisis for the better part of a year), it got to be old news, people went back to whatever they'd been doing, donations dried up. Just the way it is.

Very good point; which is for the most part my point... When all the sexy is gone the problem has not.
You also have to consider the long historical past and hardships that Haiti faced and all the problems they still face. Wealthy French folk didn't exactly help the whole social divide and money problems they faced/face. They fought for freedom and were the second to become free in the western hemisphere, yet they are still the poorest. I don't think it's fair to compare our country with theirs. Especially since Haiti has faced so many natural disasters in the past. A black market for water and food has suddenly sprung up over night because the masses are lacking basic necessities. Do you think you could live through so many hurricanes and disasters while living in total poverty, trying to stay calm when you haven't had food in a few days? I know I could not adapt to that life very well if at all if it was suddenly sprung upon me. Though I don't think that we should be sending money to Haiti, I think that we should send supplies to help the people.

I don't know... I can't seem to find all the words I want to use.
I have sent in my donation

Also i would like to add that i have 3 Haitian friend sin school and they lost a lot of their relatives. They were crying like crazy. It is very, very sad. I just heard Obama sent $10 million to Haiti.
We do it because it's who we are.....

As Americans we are all responsible for the state our country is in right now. We are the ones who let our government and our economy slip from our control. We have let politicians make decisions based on their agendas for decades. Republicans and Democrats. This economic situation did not happen in one year or in 10 years. The mortgage meltdown started brewing 25 years ago.

The day we don't step up and offer massive aid is the day we cease to be Americans. No matter how bad things may be for us as individuals, we have always stepped up to help others less fortunate than ourselves. I'm sure the citizens of Canada, Europe and the many other countries represented in this forum feel the same way about themselves and their countries. I sincerely believe that if America suffered a blow that it was not cabable of dealing with that other countries would step up and offer their money and resources to us. We had the means to prevent the Katrina mess long before it happened. Political agendas got in the way of proper construction of levies, preparation for the event and the aftermath. Just my 2 cents worth...

I really feel for the people of Haiti and the hundreds of thousands of people from other countries living there. My brother has gone there on church missions. A young 22 year old woman from my area was killed by the quake while caring for disabled orphans. I'm willing to bet that my brother will end up going back to Haiti for the recovery. He's an electrician and did a lot of wiring over there through his church. I wish I had the skills to offer. Money and prayers are the only thing I can offer.
How sad this went political. Yes Uncle Sam is always there, and Bravo, Be proud.
But then America is also the wealthiest nation on the planet.
To whom much is given, much is expected.
Every country has its own problems, Our economy is up to %$#@ just on a smaller scale than the US,
But we dont complain when our gov gives $9mil to haiti.
Were Aussys, we care, were proud of it.

The 'Charity starts at home' mentality in such cases as this, just isn't appropriate.
What goes around, comes around (karma)
Good point Sandra btw.
It's sad because there is this girl in my art class whose Haitian and her parents were in Haiti during the earthquake and she doesn't even know if they survived.
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