Half body is black


New Member
When i came to my F. pardalis Nosy Be offspring, i saw that one male has black tail, 2 back legs and half body. He cant move with the tail nor with the 2 black legs. :-/ He is 2,5 months old. He was alright yesterday and he ate perfectly. It looks that his half body is dead. Does anyone have some experiences? This happend to me for the first time.

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Greetings, and sorry to hear about your little guy. There have been cases on this forum where chams lost use of back legs due to bowel impaction. BUt I don't remember those cases being associated with blackening skin. Your case looks like an injury. Is it possible he got stuck in the door to his cage when it was closed? Or that he took a bad fall? Is he housed with larger siblings that may have attacked him?

I was transferring some from bin to cage once and one fell to the floor. He looked like yours there, for a little while, but then recovered. Someone else on the forum closed a door on a cham, and it lost use of legs but then recovered. So, he may come out of it.

I would recommend a trip to the vet, but am not sure a vet could do anything for him.

When was the last time he pooped? Asking just in case this could be a case of impaction.
It looks like a spinal injury. If that's the case, the difference in color in the lower half is due to the fact that color changing ability is controlled by the nerves running from the spinal cord (just like leg and tail movements). I think a vet visit is a must.
How long has this condition lasted? If it's anything over a couple of hours, definitely take him to a vet. Even then, I'd still take him to a vet.
I don't think there is anything a vet can do, but I am not a vet. It looks like a spinal cord injury if his back legs and tail don't work. I hope I am wrong. Good luck to your little guy.

I agree. This looks like a spinal injury. He might have fallen in the middle of the night and landed on his back. I can't think of any other way his spine could have been severed. I guess I would take him to the vet just to make sure though, since we cannot make concrete diagnoses, and gesang could be right and it might just be temporary.

Whatever the outcome,
Good luck! I do hope your little guy makes it. :eek:
Not good....

It looks like there is a spinal bump/break above the rear legs. The curve of the back looks off in that area. I'm going to bet on a spinal injury. Whatever it is, the blackening of the skin indicates that all systems in the hind area have shut down (digestive, etc.). I'm not a vet but I am going to say that you need to prepare yourself for a no possiblity of recovery scenario. He is such a cute little guy too. I'm so sorry :(
hard if not impossible to say. See hwat happens and how he responds. They have amazing regenerative abilities and can adapt to crazy injuries. No use in putting him down unless it's really obvious that he can't eat and digest. If he eats and poops normally, I owuld keep him alive for a while (no mater the injury). There is always a chance the injury will be a temporary one. Hard to say with reptiles.
i am not a vet but i think it might have been his light it could be too close is he having problems with his pooping or anything if it is you should go to EXOTICPETS the store thats where i got my chameleon so you should check it out they could help you...................i think.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(sad saad sad poor little guyyyyyyyy
Oh wow.. I'm no expert but the spinal injury seems to make the most sense. Prepare for the worst.. Sorry..
if he does have impacted bowls there is something you can do if the vet doesnt do it there. give him a enima. i know it sounds ridiculous, but we had to do it to a bearded dragon at work someone brought in from him eating the sand in his cage with his bugs
if he does have impacted bowls there is something you can do if the vet doesnt do it there. give him a enima. i know it sounds ridiculous, but we had to do it to a bearded dragon at work someone brought in from him eating the sand in his cage with his bugs

I think soaking him in warm water is a better way to get things moving. Also if you can get him to eat some silk worms or horn worms.

The vet told me the same thing as you, his spin was damaged. :-/ I moved 6 Nosy Bes from plastic boxes to terrarium half month ago. My only explanation, how this could happen, is that some other Nosy Be moved over him and he fell off from a branch. I checked him few minutes ago and he had pain (opened mounth and his tongue was out), he also had closed eyes. :-/ Dunno what more should i do for him.

The vet told me the same thing as you, his spin was damaged. :-/ I moved 6 Nosy Bes from plastic boxes to terrarium half month ago. My only explanation, how this could happen, is that some other Nosy Be moved over him and he fell off from a branch. I checked him few minutes ago and he had pain (opened mounth and his tongue was out), he also had closed eyes. :-/ Dunno what more should i do for him.

I hate to say this, but it might be in the chams best interest to be put down. I would consult your vet, he will have the best info to make the call. This sounds a bit extreme to be something he could recover from. What was suggested by your vet?
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