Hand Feeding Advice


New Member
Recently I've been trying to hand feed my panther. I've been using mealworms to do so, because he's had them before and seems to like them. However, when I offer him the worm, he just stares at it, letting me get a couple inches away before he puffs up. Am I doing it wrong? If so, could anyone offer advice?
Not that I am an expert hand feeder, but I've noticed with mine that you just need to be as patient as possible. And sometimes they take it and other times they won't.
today my veiled kinda sat there for a few minutes and took the first one while my senegal didn't want anything to do with the food but wanted to be on my head instead.
strangest thing I've seen, completely will go out of the way to sit on my head for hours.

But just try being patient and not shoving it in his face and it should work
I've had my guy for almost 2 weeks now and he'll eat a cricket out of my hand almost instantly but won't touch silkworms for whatever reason. So maybe try a cricket or something else!
I'm trying really small hornworms. i let him have 1 in his enclosure, now I only offer them from my hand. Been trying for about a week and he hasn't taken it yet but he doesn't run away anymore so I take that as progress. I think it just takes patience!
my male veiled will onlyhand feed with hornworms.
waht i do is pinch the cham gently but firmly on one end, so that it squirms, and show it too him..
i sometimes have to hold it for a few minutes.

but ive found that he wont eat any other bug from my hands. i thnkcuz they dont squirm as much,
Patients is def the key. Just keep trying often and he will learn to trust you. It wont happen overnight. It might take months, but dont lose faith. I can put a worm on my shoulder and he will snap it up ha Good luck!
Feed the same feeders as you normaly would.
Worm or cricket or whatever.
Just start offering the first one of the day by hand.
Eventually he will take it from you.
After more time he will trust you, and always look at your hands for food, no matter what:rolleyes:
I've had my veiled eating crickets out of my hand since the day we brought him home even my 7 & 5yr old nieces handfeed him...however my husband cannot. I've tried to explain that his hand is too close for Amaeleo's comfort level and that he gets 2 impatient and moves around his hand too much. Amaeleo refuses to handfeed when I offer superworms or any other worm. So don't get discouraged just sit still and wait ur cham out and don't b right in his face I usually stay just inside door of cage or 6inches away from cham. Good luck
One tip i picked up was to hold the food infront of your face (sort of). you want to make sure the cham can see you and the food. becuase he wants to be sure he can strike the food with out being hunted him self. so maybe try lining up the food with your face at first to make him feel more secure while hunting.
strangest thing I've seen, completely will go out of the way to sit on my head for hours.

But just try being patient and not shoving it in his face and it should work

My female jackson does the same thing. And when it wants to go up it just walks to the back of my shirt and trys to climb up my neck till i put it on my head lol
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