hand feeding


Established Member
is it necessary to hand feed because my chameleon seems to enjoy the hunting better and loves to climb up me already and I haven't had it too long. I was just wondering if it was more recomended to hand feed. what do you guys think?
No, it's not necessary to hand feed. It is better for them to hunt on their own, but it is ok to feed from your hand also. It is nice to do to build a relationship with your chameleon and it can help him to associate your hand with positive things like food. It really is a personal preference, but it is much easier to just let the feeders go in the cage or in a cup instead of having to stand there and hand feed them.
My chameleon seemed to like my hand from the beginning and hunted immediately after I got it so I never had to work up to handling. I was just curious as to which was better for my baby.
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