handling Hercules


New Member
ok i know that you are not supposed to have handle your cham but i have heard from browsing the forums that some have a very good attitude towards being handled. it is at all possible to make your cham more accustomed to you and handling. for instance i was trying to have my cham come onto my hand and he was literally moving away from me and spinning on the dowel that i use as branches..i found it to be pretty incredible the maneuvers he was doing to avoid me. so i backed away and tried again later..same thing. i am wearing non-threatining colors and moved in very slowly so he was able to be aware that i was approaching him. i even tempted him to have a cricket and hold it out in front of him but he refuses to eat it. i eventually just grabbed him out and on my hand to take a picture and when putting him back he literally almost jumped from my hand to the ficus that i have in his cage i have never seen him move that quickly before. does anyone have any helpful hints or ideas to help with this i would really like him to eventually be comfortable with free range and being able to be handled without stressing him out maybe once a week or at least enough to get him in the shower.
any input would be helpful
one thing you can do is if you are in the room is open the door to his setup and place a plant or vine so as that he can come out on his own, and slowly approch it that way. once hes more comfortable coming out of his cage near you then move closer and closer till he sees you as no threat. the other thing i found was taking my guy to natural sunlight while holding him, he seems to like the sun so much he forgets about everything else. ( but he always been friendly )
First of all, how long have you had your chameleon? If you just got him, I would give it alteast a few weeks before trying to handle him and just let him get settled into his new environment. You can Keep trying the hand feeding of the crickets so he will associate your hand with food and not something that is going to eat him! There are a couple of things you can try. One, you can try to get him out of the cage by using a branch for him to climb on. If you succeed then you can set the branch on your lap and see if he is comfortable climbing onto you then. Also, you can try opening the cage door and maybe setting a large tall plant in front to the door for him to climb onto. If he does venture out of the cage, then try approaching him from the front(not the back) in other words make sure he can see your hand. Then slowly put your hand under his chin and move it towards his front legs and see if you can get him to crawl on your hand that way. If he is not receptive to this, then I would back off and try again another time. You don't want to back him up into corners in his cage or just grab him and make him fearful. Some chameleons just never really tolerate handling. Many do. Hopefully with a little luck and some time yours will become comfortable with you.
thanks hoj i will defiantly use the vine or plant out of the setup idea it sounds like it would be a good approach.
corol- yea he is new so that is very good advice i will take it slow so he has the opportunity to learn that i am NOT trying to like eat or kill him and give him the opportunity to as some say warm up to me.
I know I've said this before, but I am really lucky my guy likes to be held. Liddy of KammerKreations told me to handle him(my breeder) and I swear, if I'm not home on time he is at his cage door...thumpin his foot, looking at his watch and saying "your late, where the heck have you been?!"
I know I've said this before, but I am really lucky my guy likes to be held. Liddy of KammerKreations told me to handle him(my breeder) and I swear, if I'm not home on time he is at his cage door...thumpin his foot, looking at his watch and saying "your late, where the heck have you been?!"

I know, I have a Kammer Cham also and pretty much followed Liddy's instructions from the beginning on handling. I too have a very friendly, handleable chameleon!!!
I know I've said this before, but I am really lucky my guy likes to be held. Liddy of KammerKreations told me to handle him(my breeder) and I swear, if I'm not home on time he is at his cage door...thumpin his foot, looking at his watch and saying "your late, where the heck have you been?!"

LOL! That's awesome!!!
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