New Member
Hi I recently took my cham(5 months old) to the vet to get checked out. His front legs have slight bends in them, but she assured me it wasn't mbd and that he probably had a fracture at some point and it just healed that way, or perhaps he wasn't getting enough calcium/sunlight as a baby. anyway, she gave me some calcium drops and told me to give to him once a day. Wouldn't daily handling be a big no-no? i've been giving him his calcium everyday, and he is a very friendly little guy, acts like he doesn't care at all when handled, but I'm worried that he'll come to associate being handled with the stress that goes along with being force-fed the calcium drops. Or possibly will start refusing to eat from my hand. I have noticed that he has been a little fussier than normal as far as eating, but it could just be a phase. Any advice as far as an alternate method of administering the drops? Or maybe some reassurance that I'm not stressing out my cham to a dangerous degree? Thanks for looking.