New Member
Hi all,
New to this site and chams....although I have many herps for many years, both dragons and morelia. I absolutely love these guys or atleast my little man, a male veiled nearly 3 months old named "popeye". I hope this is original, is it?
I got him from a breeder when he was only 4 days old, absolutely tiny and now he is growing like a weed, he sheds regualry and seems to be in good health. I have just move him into a bigger enclosure, he's a little cofused, but he's eating which is reassuring!
This site is awesome a wealth of knowledge and i'm glad I found it!!! I have seen some great clips of people feeding their chams by hand, at what age should you start to handle them, and what duration etc should you do this, to get them to a stage when they do accept you to offering them food by hand. I don't want to stress him out but i'm sure that with consistency and a little patience this is achievable.
I know they arent a specie that likes to be handled, but I do want a pet like my others that do tolerate and interact with me and/or my kids.
Any info or techniques from you learned people would be unreal...
Thanks in advance..
Kind Regards
New to this site and chams....although I have many herps for many years, both dragons and morelia. I absolutely love these guys or atleast my little man, a male veiled nearly 3 months old named "popeye". I hope this is original, is it?
I got him from a breeder when he was only 4 days old, absolutely tiny and now he is growing like a weed, he sheds regualry and seems to be in good health. I have just move him into a bigger enclosure, he's a little cofused, but he's eating which is reassuring!
This site is awesome a wealth of knowledge and i'm glad I found it!!! I have seen some great clips of people feeding their chams by hand, at what age should you start to handle them, and what duration etc should you do this, to get them to a stage when they do accept you to offering them food by hand. I don't want to stress him out but i'm sure that with consistency and a little patience this is achievable.
I know they arent a specie that likes to be handled, but I do want a pet like my others that do tolerate and interact with me and/or my kids.
Any info or techniques from you learned people would be unreal...
Thanks in advance..
Kind Regards