

New Member
Hi Cf, Fiji is about 7 months and I need help with handling. He puffs whenever I get to close and I would like to bring him outside before it gets to cold. Any good handling strategies would be great thanks. :)
hand feed treats he normally doesnt get for a daily feeder to earn trust. You can also try to lead him out onto a removable branch and just take the whole branch outside.
For my panther i put blue bottle flies in a zippered laundry basket with fake vines and repti rope so that he could climb- I put him in half shade half sun with a dripper and put him where he was close enough to see me but not too close -
He wasn't happy for about 10 min and then went crazy hunting flies- I moved him closer- this I did for the weekend - monday morning when I put his crickets in his cup he gave me a dirty look but didn't run for the hills - He's to the point now (a month and 1/2 later) where if I put my hand in his cage with a worm on it - he will zap it off- I have high hopes - (he knows this, and has already planed how he will crush them)
with me panther i hand feed meal worms but everytime u hand feed him bring ur hand a little further towards the opening :)
now my little man comes to me everytime i put my hand in, also if he knows he is goin to a good place when ever u get him out he will come out quiet happily but u do have to give it time cause it is down to trust
Like in one of the videos, I too use both hand to get them on me.

They are great for making sudden U turns, or reaching out with tail or arm
to anchor on to something.

Got to be gentle, but fast, once all 4 feet are on your hand, and the tail is not
cureled around something, quickly lift them straight up and away from anything they can reach out a grabe.

I sometimes have a hard time getting Smeagol off the free range and back home, and nearly always need to use both hands.
It's okay as long as he can SEE both hands.

I can get all 4 feet on my hand, but he will wind the end of his tail around
a branch or something.
So I need the other hand to gently free the tail.

Even when you have them completly on your arm, keep them elevated, and dont get them near anything that they can reach out and grasp.
Yes, get him used to eating out of your hand.
Find something he really likes, so he can learn to associate seeing your hand
with goodies!!
Just dont be pushy, if he shows no interest, or backs away, try again later ;)
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