

Hi I am a new owner to a 5/6month old Panther chameleon. I am trying to get him use to me so I can handle him. I no these things take time but does anyone have any good advise for a newbie? Thanks to anyone who can help
Is there a trick to getting them to walk on to your hand as he always gets the locusts before my hand is near him
You can try putting the feeder up your arm so he has to crawl on your arm to reach the feeder. Do not force it though because you will lose a lot of progress that way.
What do you mean by force it through???
Do not get to close if he is not ready, let him come to you. If you notice him starting to puff up then you are to close for his comfort. Move slowly as well. If you scare him then it will be harder to get him comfortable with you.
What i did is i keep the feeder in my right hand, and extend my left hand so that my girl has to get on my left hand to reach the feeder in my right hand. Its a trust exercise. He/She will know that if they go on your hand they will get there food. Then just put your little guy back.
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