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Another question or should a say questions from yes me lol Whats peoples views on handling and why? Also if you do handle them whats the best way to go about it to aviod stress and what age can you start to handle them mines only 14weeks and ive not even considered touching him incase i freak him out!
I do not recommend handling unless the chameleon chooses to walk onto your hand. Of course a quick "check up" once a week (at the most!) is okay to make sure everything is in order or to move the animal outside or to a shower a few times a week. Handling causes stress and stress kills.
I handle mine everyday and he does not mind it at all, but that is the key. If they are running and hiding and you are digging them out of the cage then that is a no no. I got my panther at about 4 1/2 mos and (with the instructions from the breeder) gave the chameleon 2 weeks to settle in . Then I started using a small stick for him to perch on. Took him out every day or so sitting on the stick for like 5 minutes. Then gradually worked up more time and started using my hand. The thing that really made my cham not afraid of me was opening my cage door and he comes out on the top of the door and then I put my hand out to him and he usually climbs on. If not, I dont force him, and I just let him stay there. I noticed my chameleon is way friendlier out of the cage than in. When I free range him he does not mind being handled or moved in the least bit. Sometimes I have the door open and he is sitting on a branch and I sitck my hand out and he jumps right on. The thing I discourage is when they are completely stressed out, puffed up and hissing(which actually mine has never been come to think of it)then I would just back off and let them be. That is just my case and it works for me so far and I have a super mellow, friendly guy.
As others have stated stress kills. But if the cham chooses to walk to you then i see no harm in handling for a few mins at a time. I have one male that will come out at least once a day while i hand mist. I usually just leave him on the door of his enclosure but if i want to handle him that is when i do. I mostly only handle my collection for pics or for cage cleaning/showering. which is done while i clean.
Another question or should a say questions from yes me lol Whats peoples views on handling and why? Also if you do handle them whats the best way to go about it to aviod stress and what age can you start to handle them mines only 14weeks and ive not even considered touching him incase i freak him out!

Let him guide you. Some chams are very tolerant and others aren't. You can really help ease him into occasional handling by offering favorite foods by hand, moving slowly, doing cage chores on some sort of routine, automating lights, misting, drippers, etc. so they are a bit more predictable. Chams don't like changes in their routines. When you do want to pick him up, guide him onto your hand and let him hold YOU, not the other way around. Nudge him from behind and let him learn that being on your hand isn't a step away from being eaten. If he really runs from you leave him alone and try again later. Some learn to be handled pretty easily and some never do.
You gotta treat them like you treat any other living thing. You don't go up to a friend and just kiss them. Some friends are comfortable with that, some aren't. It really just depends on the comfort of the being.

One thing I have to add though is if you hold your chameleon often and he/she gets really used to being on/around you, they most likely well get tired of their cage and expect to be held all the time. Every time I get near my Sebastian he gets up near the door and tries to climb out, even if I just want a quick photo or two. Even when I open the cage to throw in some crickets, he rushes over to the door and tries to climb on me. I have to quickly open the door and ninja throw those crickets in.
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