little leaf
Avid Member
YAY ! I can breath ! they made it to 5 mo.- ALL of them I was told if they make it past 5 mo - they should make it
these are NOT the pics I was hoping to get tho- lol I had a pretty pot all set up, nice big yellow Day Lilly, pretty back ground - but NO , the little stinkers ! they would not stay put- they were running up my arms, in my hair, down the side of the pot- into the grass , running each other over BAD BABIES ! but hey, its their Birthday so they can do what they want - they do anyway lol
" Little Olive" is still growing her horns, and still way bigger than the others - the boys, so handsome with their sweet horns for their Birthday they had as many flies as they wanted
Oliver enjoyed the spectacle from the new "condo" - the look on his face was like "really? "
and a special Happy 5 mo Birthday to Sammy Thanks again Eric for adopting the little guy
these are NOT the pics I was hoping to get tho- lol I had a pretty pot all set up, nice big yellow Day Lilly, pretty back ground - but NO , the little stinkers ! they would not stay put- they were running up my arms, in my hair, down the side of the pot- into the grass , running each other over BAD BABIES ! but hey, its their Birthday so they can do what they want - they do anyway lol
" Little Olive" is still growing her horns, and still way bigger than the others - the boys, so handsome with their sweet horns for their Birthday they had as many flies as they wanted
Oliver enjoyed the spectacle from the new "condo" - the look on his face was like "really? "
and a special Happy 5 mo Birthday to Sammy Thanks again Eric for adopting the little guy