Happy hatch month Beman, 6 years old


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It is so crazy to believe that Beman is now 6 years old. I brought him home from Petco the end of October 2018. He was roughly 4 months old and the the biggest impulse buy ever. After a crash course in all things Veiled Chameleons and many nights stressing I would kill him, here we now are. I have spent more money then I care to admit on his enclosure set up. :LOL:

He is showing his age. A bit of arthritis in his front right leg with intermittent swelling. It does not seem to slow him down much which is good considering his aging is extremely stressful to me. Not knowing how much time I have left with him. I think that is the hard thing about keeping chameleons they just do not live long enough lives. I have structured the cage to be more old man friendly adding in more branches. He chooses when he wants to interact with me. Sometimes he acts like his youthful friendly self and then sometimes he is the old man yelling "Get OFF my grass!" but I love his many personalities.

Here are some of my favorite pics over the years. ❤️

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It is so crazy to believe that Beman is now 6 years old. I brought him home from Petco the end of October 2018. He was roughly 4 months old and the the biggest impulse buy ever. After a crash course in all things Veiled Chameleons and many nights stressing I would kill him, here we now are. I have spent more money then I care to admit on his enclosure set up. :LOL:

He is showing his age. A bit of arthritis in his front right leg with intermittent swelling. It does not seem to slow him down much which is good considering his aging is extremely stressful to me. Not knowing how much time I have left with him. I think that is the hard thing about keeping chameleons they just do not live long enough lives. I have structured the cage to be more old man friendly adding in more branches. He chooses when he wants to interact with me. Sometimes he acts like his youthful friendly self and then sometimes he is the old man yelling "Get OFF my grass!" but I love his many personalities.

Here are some of my favorite pics over the years. ❤️

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Happy hatch month beman!!! Your one of the bestest and most beautiful boys!
Happy hatch month Beman 🪰🦠🦗
I'm sure he is great full for the life you've given him ❤️ As a follow old man I can definitely understand his grumpy days 🤣
It is so crazy to believe that Beman is now 6 years old. I brought him home from Petco the end of October 2018. He was roughly 4 months old and the the biggest impulse buy ever. After a crash course in all things Veiled Chameleons and many nights stressing I would kill him, here we now are. I have spent more money then I care to admit on his enclosure set up. :LOL:

He is showing his age. A bit of arthritis in his front right leg with intermittent swelling. It does not seem to slow him down much which is good considering his aging is extremely stressful to me. Not knowing how much time I have left with him. I think that is the hard thing about keeping chameleons they just do not live long enough lives. I have structured the cage to be more old man friendly adding in more branches. He chooses when he wants to interact with me. Sometimes he acts like his youthful friendly self and then sometimes he is the old man yelling "Get OFF my grass!" but I love his many personalities.

Here are some of my favorite pics over the years. ❤️

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Happy Hatch Month Beman! And congrats for keeping him so long!
Happy hatch month! I’m sorry that time happens. It is a difficult choice we make on day one, but it is worth it. I am dealing with the effects of time, but would not change a thing. These are such amazing members of our families. I have enjoyed Beman’s journey! Thank you for sharing it with us…
Happy sixth hatch month big handsome Beman! 🥳🥳🥳 Six years ago you were just an itty bitty baby that only knew you wanted out of the Petco mud pit, and could never imagine the impact you’d have not just on your mom’s life, but so very many other chameleons and their keepers. You’ve more than earned those grumpy old man days. 🥰
Easy to see why these are your favorite pics. 💗 I love the one where he’s holding your hand. Sooo sweet! 🤗
Thanks everyone! It honestly is just mind blowing to me.

The last year was perhaps the hardest for me. I do not really speak about him aging much in the forum. A few of my very close friends here know about the struggle of watching him age. The major things I have seen is the arthritis in the front arm causing intermittent minor swelling. He is not as nimble on his feet which is why I added more branches in between branches. Then he will go through periods of closing his eyes off and on then all the sudden he is fine. Old age is a hard thing to experience since they hide how they feel so well. I am at a stage of just monitoring him and making sure he is getting what he needs to be a happy old man.

I am very thankful for this community and my ability to pass on the information I have learned to other new keepers. I think that is what makes the forum special. A place without judgement where people can come and get accurate husbandry information from kind and compassionate people. So y'all keep being amazing and making this the best place to be! ❤️
Happy belated Hatch day handsome Beman! I can’t believe six years have already past…his hibiscus calendar cover is still my favorite to this day.
It’s tough watching them get older but I think it’s good to bring awareness to the whole process and their behavior that goes along with them reaching this age.
Thank you for sharing your experience and for all you do for the community. 💕💕💕
Happy belated Hatch day handsome Beman! I can’t believe six years have already past…his hibiscus calendar cover is still my favorite to this day.
It’s tough watching them get older but I think it’s good to bring awareness to the whole process and their behavior that goes along with them reaching this age.
Thank you for sharing your experience and for all you do for the community. 💕💕💕
We basically started right about the same time here in the forum. I know your babies are getting up there in age as well and you understand the crazy of it all. ❤️
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