Happy Hatchday Zaphod!!!


Moderatoris Americanus
Staff member
Not much of a picture day today as it just started downpooring :eek:!

Yesterday was Zaphod's H-Day. He got to spend a little time outside today. Might try to get outside a bit later on ;).


A couple from inside...

Happy Hatch Day Zaphod! I'm glad that you got some outside time. How old is Zaphod?

I wish we could get some rain here. We really need it.
Hope you had a great HatchDayyyyyy Zaphod and got some extra juicy worms!!!!!!

I love the timeline pics Michael, it's always fun to look back and see how much they've grown and changed!!!!!!
I like the time line pictures too. Time sure flies. It's hard to believe he's already three. My boy Spike is 3 and 1/2. He the oldest one that I have now.
You are as big a cham nut as I am.:) Happy Hatchday Zaphod!!!
Thanks Laurie, yes I am ;).

Happy hatchday! and I might I add holy casque!! He is a handsome boy!
Thanks for the H-day wish and the compliment Carol! Time for some Boomer pics!!! :) He'll be three soon too!

Hope you had a great HatchDayyyyyy Zaphod and got some extra juicy worms!!!!!!
He sure did!

I love the timeline pics Michael, it's always fun to look back and see how much they've grown and changed!!!!!!
I agree, and I can't believe how they change so fast!

I like the time line pictures too. Time sure flies. It's hard to believe he's already three. My boy Spike is 3 and 1/2. He the oldest one that I have now.
He has a pretty tall casque as well!!! ;)
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