Hard yellowish crusty scale


I've recently noticed sort of spike on my panther chameleon's side. I was hoping it would go away once he shed but now its been there for a couple of months. At the very middle its yellowish and around it it's white. When I run my finger through it its really hard and feels like a scab I can scrape off. Can anyone tell me what it is and how to get rid of it?


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Also, he has recently been missing his food almost every time. He shoots his tongue out but is always about an inch too high. Im not sure if this is a tongue issue or eye issue. I have been hand feeding him and having to hold out his food right in front of him due to this.
Other than this he seems perfectly fine.

  • Your Chameleon - Panther, male, 2.5 years
  • Handling - few times a week
  • Feeding - Dubia, silkworm, hornworm, superworm. cricket crack and veggies
  • Supplements - calcium every feeding, reptivite w/ d3 every 2 weeks
  • Watering - mist and dripper
  • Fecal Description - normal
  • Cage Type - all screen, 18", 24", 36"
  • Lighting - uvb 5.0 reptisun, basking light around 90 degrees, ambient around 70
  • Humidity - around 60%, mister
  • Plants - pathos and umbrella
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Do you have any Silver Sulfadiazine creme?. You could try that. My chameleon had something that looked identical. I had the spot tested and it came back fungual. The vet suggested trying that. I put that on the spot for about two weeks. It is gone but it made a little scar on the scale and it is black now. There is a virus called Pox or Papilloma which caues hornlike spiky growths. That does not appear to be the case here, but if your chameleon has it, they will probably start popping up in different parts of his body. You seem to be doing the norm in care of your chameleon. I would say if he is missing his prey, that would be an eye issue. Reptivite contains Vitamin A, so he is getting some from your multivitamin. Other than lack of vitamin A, I would not know what else would cause bad eye sight unless he has some type of injury or some other disease.. Do both his eyes look normal??
I don't have any but can buy some. Is there anyone I can get it without having to get a prescription for it? Will this be sufficient? He won't need any oral administration of some sort?
They both look fine and he can see from both his eyes.
Ive been searching for anything similar and the closest I could find is "Curad Silver Solution". Would it be okay if I give this a try?
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