Hardest post ever...

Sorry to hear that....hoping that Lombardi put up a fight and got away.
I have herons and egrets swoop through my yard, so I am super cautious.
Wow Joe I am so sorry. Best of luck to you, and hopefully Lombardi bit the crap outta him, and had the crow drop him within distance.
oh my god..............this is horrible, and i know exactly how you feel, losing your cham.

it may sound silly to some, but i too got very attatched to my veiled, he was so happy, and gentle most of the time, and loved to be in our company. i was lucky to have him, and i understand your loss. try not to get yourself down too much, whether he was plucked from a tree or lost to an undetermined illness that you couldnt fix ( thats what happend to mine), its not your fault. how were you to know, with no previous scares at all? nobody expects the worst, unfortunately sometimes it just happens. sounds like he was super well taken care of, and by your pics, he was BEAUTIFUL.

.... i hate crows to begin with, but if one ate my cham it would be the last thing he ate :( sounds horrible, but its true! im with syn earlier on in the post tho.........male veileds are tough as nails, DONT GIVE UP JUST YET........ cant see him goin down without a fight........i'll keep you in my thoughts. so sorry again,

How big is this tree and Im sure you put him in a stable tree so it won't tilt over. My guess is the bird snagged him and lombardi had a very strong grip on the tree, thus the tree got knocked down. I can't imagine if a crow can actually swallow him. The bird might dropped him somewhere in mid air. I would still look around your neighbors yard or something. Don't give up just yet! I wouldn't!!
How big is this tree and Im sure you put him in a stable tree so it won't tilt over. My guess is the bird snagged him and lombardi had a very strong grip on the tree, thus the tree got knocked down. I can't imagine if a crow can actually swallow him. The bird might dropped him somewhere in mid air. I would still look around your neighbors yard or something. Don't give up just yet! I wouldn't!!

agreed, have a look around..........back yards, other trees...........keep an eye out.
Howdy Joe,

I'm aligning with those who think he's alive and well out there somewhere :eek:. At the most, he may have had a short "flight" and then was dropped. He might have even ended-up on a roof. Put out some "Missing Veiled" posters. Reward of course :).
Good point. I imagine a strapping young lad of a cham as he was, I'm sure he was a more than a match for a crow. He ver well may be in a tree some where. Odder things have happend.

I lost a indian ring neck (parrot). He flew away. 3 days of searching, 50 degree weather outside and nothing. Till later that night on day three we found him fighting off kitties in the neighbors back yard. He had lost all his tail feathers but was steady lunging at the kitties circling him.
omg! My heart goes out to you. Crows are just aweful! I had a crow kill my pet baby goose when I was a kid. I came home from school ran out the back yard where we had a large open pen with rabbits, geese,ducks and chickens to find a crow in the pen with my baby goose. When I ran up tp the pen the crow ripped the gooses head off and flew away. Needless to say I hate crows! I would normally not say this but if yuou have a pellet gun do it! Crows are one of the smartest birds and they learn quick! May help to keep them away....
Seriously I am soooo sorry for your loss.:( He was a awesome cham! At least he will live on through those eggs.
Maybe he is alive. Keep looking and looking and looking and looking. Last summer my daughter had 2 of her Melleri's here and she was outside with both of them. One kept getting out of the tree and she got so busy with that one that the other one just took off. That was at 8 am and 3 of us looked all day and it was after 8 pm that night when my husband spotted him in the top of the big tree that was the closest to the small tree she had him in. He went up the first tree that he came to but we just couldn't see him till almost dark. My husband was standing on the roof still looking when he finally spotted him. Hopefully you will find Lombardi. Don't give up. Jann
hey man im so sorry to hear about your friend,that is tragic, dont be too hard on yourself, happens to the best of us. sounds like he was a great cham
Maaaan, really sorry to read that. That's always been one of my biggest fears about keeping them outdoors. :( Sorry, that sucks.
I never dare leave Homer or any herp outside for a second, I keep a rake handy.
Recently I had 5 beardys outside in the pit, was sitting nearby reading. Suddenly realised bird calls were getting louder and looked up and got the shock of my life.
Must have been 100 birds atleast, magpies, indian miners etc, it was like a scene from alfred hitchcocks 'The Birds'.
Now I play a radio and hang some soda cans to blow and jangle against the garden shed, but I still never dare take my eyes off them.

You have my sympathy, theres probably not a herper around who hasnt at some stage made a tradgic mistake that they still kick themselves for. Its all a learning curve.
I would have thought even a large crow might have difficulty carrying a chameleon?
maybe it dropped him in a neighbours garden?

Console yourself that he has passed on his genes for you. Guard those eggs with your life. Best wishes
This is the sad reality of nature :(. Everyone make sure and learn from this, chameleons are easy prey to big birds and other predators. Take caution when placing them outside on perches or big trees. I'm so sorry for you loss, he was a great looking chameleon.
I'm soo soo sorry. I can't imagine how sad you must feel. We all make mistakes sometimes, but I have no doubt that Lombardi must have lived a great life. When I go, I hope that I go out doing something that I love, like sitting and sunning myself in a good tree.
The wind wasn't bad at all... When I went in the house he was perched at the highest point of the tree... 15 seconds later I heard the tree fall... I had to have been at the tree a matter of seconds after it had fallen, and no Lombardi...only a feather. My guess is a crow spotted him, tried to pull him off the tree, and knocked the tree over at the same time. I am also guessing Lombardi put up a fight, based on the feather. It really does suck... because out of all the times I let them do this with my supervision..never even had a close call... But once $hit hits the fan, it's too late... And all it took was a couple of seconds with my back turned and he was gone. I didn't think that with me out there moving around and hosing things down that a crow would ever try to come in for the snag, I always new there was a risk, but I never thought the risk was big enough and didn't let it bother me... now I know better.

I am so sorry to hear that.....I have had a group of crows try to attack my toy Chihuahua it was the scariest thing ever. I know how you feel being so attached to your cham....the thought of losing my Meller when I recently took him to the vet brought me to tears...my thoughts are with you.
That sucks. I hope Lombardi bit the crow and was dropped somewhere nearby. Don't most reptiles do that instinctively.
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