Has anyone ever seen ExpertVillage's videos?


Avid Member
Expertvillage on youtube, have thousands of videos but the ones about chameleons OH MY GOD! She treats the chameleon horribly no wonder it hates her. She has absolutely NO clue on how to keep a chameleon and my six year old brother could EASILY correct her!
They have a few on the chameleons and UGH I want to go through my screen and save that poor cham, smack the dumbness out of her brain, and ride off into the sunset with a dramatic exit.
I've seen a couple of them. They are truly piss poor. I've even commented with a link to this forum before.......got no reply of course ;)
They need to make a law that if you don't know how to properly take care of it, don't have it, like the petstores, owners need to have to take a test on them to receive them, maybe even a checkup on the animals, videos, etc.
Expert village always makes me shake my head. If I where them I would be embarrassed.

I stand her to correct you folks on expertvillage yeah almost all of their videos are joke but i came a across by the log haird go-t snake guy and he knows what he is talking about it really made me happy hearing him talking about if you want a snake how big of an enclosure can you get and he takes it from there the only person that actually knows what he is talking about. but there other stuff just sucks ass way to much!!!
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