Has anyone seen these?


New Member
Saw this on someones thread and was wondering if anyone knows who sells then or if they were custom


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Would love to have a few of those. They look very sturdy and clean. Hope they are available somewhere.
I am going to build a stainless steel cage when it warms up here. I will post a pic when it is done. It would be easy to do but stainless steel has gotten pricey.
Looks great.....

but if it ain't free range... it ain't workin for me....

I think my whole obsession with chams is that there is always a way to make them happier, you can give them more plants, more diverse food selection and variety, better habitat and realism to make it as jungle like as possible.... and if you have the same mentality I don't see how you could keep a cage, I got rid of mine after 6 months.....

I know some people are busy or have dogs or cats, but still i'm gone all day and I provided a good setup... hmmmmmm interesting
Can't tell for sure but they look a lot like my diycages.com cages and I think the biggest version of their cages does have the double bar like that (no picture on their website). And I think the stands are just office stands. Might be able to recreate that pretty easily if that's the case! But it might be all custom.

I don't see how you could keep a cage, I got rid of mine after 6 months.....

I know some people are busy or have dogs or cats, but still i'm gone all day and I provided a good setup... hmmmmmm interesting

Free range doesn't work for everyone. I tried free ranging my panther and he refused to stay put. He would actually fall out of a tree just to try to get somewhere else, and nowhere in particular. It wasn't safe for him. And my veiled was just absolutely terrified the whole time. He never came around and never appreciated it. He likes the security of his cage and the fact that he can hide from view easily in it.

Since I rent it's not really feasible for me to convert a whole area and hang stuff from ceilings and walls and protect everything from water damage. I also have dogs and cats who I am not willing to shut out of the cham room while I'm in there. With the chams safe in their cages I don't have to worry about accidents. I want to sit with all of my animals. Mine have a really big outdoor cage instead. Glad it works for you, but don't judge others for it not working for them.
I feel you that makes sense, i'm not judging i wasn't shaming anyone.... just saying i think its part of the progression of this hobby to consider it at least...
I feel you that makes sense, i'm not judging i wasn't shaming anyone.... just saying i think its part of the progression of this hobby to consider it at least...

I have one of my panthers next to a window. I leave the door open during the day. He always gets out part of the day and hangs onto the inside of my window curtain getting some natural sunlight. As long as he stays on the curtains I don't move him.

My others chams are a little too adventures to let free range.
my guess would be in the pull out drawer. Or thats where I would have my drainage unless its a lot more stealth and efficient another route.
Looks great.....

but if it ain't free range... it ain't workin for me....

I think my whole obsession with chams is that there is always a way to make them happier, you can give them more plants, more diverse food selection and variety, better habitat and realism to make it as jungle like as possible.... and if you have the same mentality I don't see how you could keep a cage, I got rid of mine after 6 months.....

I know some people are busy or have dogs or cats, but still i'm gone all day and I provided a good setup... hmmmmmm interesting

Sorry but I have to give you a wake up call. Do you have any idea how many chams have died as a result of free ranging? You may be able to set it up and have it work. Most people just don't see or anticipate the problems until after they happen. Just so you know I can talk about both free range and cages because I do both at this minute. If you have other pets, or small children, it is a recipe for disaster. For example we had a person on here in tears as her cham walked across her sister's rat's cage. The rat ripped the cham to bits through the cage, another had a small child leave the door open to the area where the free range was. When the cham was finally found it was dead. Having been in chameleons for years, I can go on & on with these examples.

I am sorry for the rant but some days I just can't take it. My chameleons in cages have more room that people who thing a small tree is a free range. I have no idea what your set up is, but most likely I could tell you how to improve it just from experience. Free ranging takes careful planning and lots of space. Also how many chameleons do you have that you free range? Do you have room mates for family? Lots of us have other people or pets of both who live with us. You can think you are as careful as can be, but anything can happen. I have a cham free ranging, just 1 cham, in a very large room with lots of trees and plants as places for him to go. Here is a link to his free range.
https://www.chameleonforums.com/lennys-free-range-revision-3-a-64449/ This same cham walked out the door to his room while I was filling his dripper!!! Had he walked about 30 feet he would have encountered my 2 dogs, and I would be minus a beloved cham. I am very careful of that guy and he still managed an escape, so don't tell me it can't be done.

I try really hard to stay out of discussions regarding free ranges, but I just wish some of you who are so pro free range would understand it is not for everyone. You are not helping people when the answer to everything is free range. That is simple not true. Any of you free rangers are welcome to show me how I am wrong. As far as living longer if they free range, i have an 8 year old panther who has lived in a cage his whole life. Stress is bad for chams right? Does anyone know if the stress of people bothering/holding them, or just seeing other chams, may also shorten a chams live? Just the other side of the coin, so please consider both as being how chams should be kept.
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