Has anyone used Slippery Feet


New Member
So next month I am going to get some green banana roaches and I am a little nervous about their climbing ability. Has anyone ever used a product called Slippery Feet. I found it on Pangea's site, I have not been about to find any reviews about it.

If you have used it, please let me know your experience with it.
That may be the same product that Sticky Tongue Farm sells, if so I hear it works well. GBR's and other climbing/flying roaches are best contained with the right lid….which you will see when you come to visit.:D

Ha Ha I knew you would reply. Moving on the 30th hope to come get me some roaches the following week and maybe some of those stick bugs they sound cool

Marshawn is getting bored of the Dubias...they are just so grey.....just ordered some silks and hornworms for them yesterday.
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