Hatching Egg Questions.


So my 3 eggs started sweating egg A started last night and the other 2 started today but there is still no pipping from egg A and it has gotten a lot smaller than the other 2 i am nervous that maybe it is bad but if the baby was dead it would not of started sweating correct? How long should I give it before I should start to worry. These are my first eggs also some other eggs that were sent to someone else both hatched already and its been 6 months so the baby is most likely developed all the way so idk if I should leave it and wait to see or if I should help the little guy out with a little slit. His egg rotated a little when I went to check on them and so I picked it up a little to rotate it and is was really soft compared to the other eggs and it has like 3 times more sweat than the other 2 so I am just really nervous. These are ambilobe panther chameleons.


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Don’t slit the egg. In my experience, that has never ended well. Are you using an incubator? Did your friend use an incubator? That could make the difference in timing. Eggs without incubator take longer to hatch.
True, but how warm could the Room be? My room is between mid to high 70s to low 80s depending on time of year. In that temperature range my eggs take 10 months
Veiled Chameleons. I'm fine whether it takes 8 or 10 months. The bigger issue for me is figuring out why there are times when a group of eggs doesn't hatch in a batch. Sometimes, 100% of the eggs in a batch will hatch within days of each other. There are other times when 3/4 of the eggs in a batch hatch within days... and then it just stops. The rest just sit there... and eventually shrivel up and need to be thrown out. Very frustating. Those eggs seem just as viable as the ones that have hatched... but they just sit there. It's like they didn't get the memo that it is time to get up and go. I do let the babies crawl over the eggs for a while since I heard that could be a factor in getting the others to wake up. Honestly, I think it is some type of chemical thing that hatching eggs release because the hatching always starts at one end of the container and migrates to the other end. However, sometimes it just stops migrating... kind of like doing the wave in a stadium...but one section isn't paying attention and the wave just stops. :)
True, but how warm could the Room be? My room is between mid to high 70s to low 80s depending on time of year. In that temperature range my eggs take 10 months
that is the temp they were at 78-80 in room temperature in a Tupperware container. That egg that I was worried about actually was bad and started to rot and small there was a very underdeveloped baby inside which is interesting since it sweat as well I thought it would have to be alive to do so but I guess not. I am happy to say that the 2 other eggs hatched and the babies have been growing great!
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