Hatchling Meller's Swollen Throat?


Avid Member
I just purchased a CB hatchling (7wks old). Once I got him home, I noticed his neck was swollen. I'm not sure if this is what they are suppose to look like or not. I have only had him for for 2 days and been watching it carefully, he has been eating and drinking without issues it appears.

Here are some pics of what I'm trying to explain.


Thank you much for taking your time to read!
Edema, or a swelling due to fluids in body tissues, are often a result of imbalances in vitamins. Most commonly, it's a vitamin A imbalance. The problem is determining whether it's too much vitamin A or too little. I would talk to the breeder and see how much if any vitamin supplementation they received.
Thank you, that's what i was afraid of. I have reached out to him and waiting for his return call. Once again thank you so much!

I got good news, my girlfriend sent me a video and new pics from today around 1pm cst, It appears the swelling had pretty much disappeared.

To answer the question yes it was swollen on both side.

here is the video she sent to me while I'm at work. The fogger is running about 10 -15 every few hours fyi
Besides supplements, I've found commercial crickets to be the biggest cause of edemas in my wild caught quads. I try to feed the crickets only good wholesome food for at least a week before I feed them to the quads, but sometimes certain shipments of crickets are just not right no matter what I feed the crickets. I think it is the synthetic vitamins they feed the crickets that stays in their body. It is more than just gutloading. Other quad breeders have experienced the same thing. I would recommend you get him off any commercially raised feeder like roaches or crickets until you can get it under control. I try to use silkworms for a staple. I wish I could raise enough feeders to replace the crickets entirely, but I haven't been able to do it yet. Good luck.
Thank you for the advice, I'll try what you said and try to not let this happen again to this little big guy/girl!
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