Hatchling Panthers need help


Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon:
Newborn panther chameleon, almost 2 weeks old
Handling: Never
Feeding: fruit flies everyday
Supplements: just started dusting calcium no d3
Watering: automatic mister 3 times a day, I spray whenever I check on them.
Fecal Description: small poops, white urate

Cage Info:
Cage Type:
Small 18" by 12" bins (4 chams per bin)
Lighting: 5.0 UVB, no heat lamp. UVB level is at around 12 according to my meter.
Temperature: Overall 75 during the day, 70ish at night. No basking spot.
Plants: plastic (see pictures of setup)

Current Problem: This is my first time raising Panther chameleons, so I am new to it all. They started hatching around 2 weeks ago, and so far 12 of the 25 eggs have hatched (4 eggs have died already). Most of the babies are doing great and are very active. I have seen most eat and drink, and they walk around the cage.

However, there are 2 of the hatchlings that look weaker than the rest. They are slightly smaller and they keep their eyes closed almost always. I am not sure if they have eaten or drank anything yet. My first thoughts would be lighting, but I UVB isn't too high according to my meter. I do not have a heat lamp on any of them because I didn't want it to get too hot. Should I try giving them a small light? Any help is greatly appreciated.
(added bad picture of one of them, kind of shows how they look and his eyes closed.)


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about 75 during the day then it drops to 70 at night
Update: sadly one of them didn't make it. He was fairly weak when he hatched, not sure if I could have saved him or not :( Anyone have any advice to improve my care for the rest of them?
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about 75 during the day then it drops to 70 at night
Update: sadly one of them didn't make it. He was fairly weak when he hatched, not sure if I could have saved him or not :( Anyone have any advice to improve my care for the rest of them?

I would get the temp up to 80, 81 or even 82 in the daytime. If you have a screen enclosure I would try to get them some outside time in the shady of course if you are in a hot climate. I would also house the two weak ones separately so they have a better chance at getting some food. Some outside time for them would really help...just don't over heat them.
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