Hatchling with one bulging eye


Hello, some of you might have seen my post about my two hatchling panther chams that hatched out about 2 weeks ago as of this post. The second hatchling has had one eye that is slightly larger/bulged than the other, presumably since hatching or developed within the first 2-3 hours of hatching.

It seems to sometimes shrink to a more normal size, but I noticed just now when I went to check on the chams as their lights came on... When the baby attempts to "roll/clean" the eye turret, it seems to "balloon out" in the front corner. I'm trying to attach a video of it (I'm avoiding handling them but this seemed a bit urgent, possibly?).

At this size/age (about 2 weeks old) would it be recommended to try getting the baby to a vet to check it out? Would that be too risky? I haven't been able to watch either of them eat but they're pooping, and I've seen both of them drink at least once or twice now. So it doesn't seem to be causing any immediate problems but I wanted to get some other opinions before I subject this little one to a vet visit.

It almost reminds me of how a hernia looks/works but I'm barely knowledgeable on human anatomy, let alone chameleon lol 😅 any thoughts?

On a side note, I think this little one might actually be a little lady!

Here is the video, I couldn't figure out how to upload it here/if I can do it's uploaded on YouTube:

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Such a precious baby. Maybe he has something in the eye. I’d try a good misting with getting a tad of water in his face so he can wash out that eye.
That is what I thought as well and I've been giving this baby heavier mistings in hopes it would right itself. The eye does seem to get a little better after misting but it goes back to bulging eventually; it seems to have stayed more or less the same the past 2 weeks :(
I have absolutely no experience with hatchlings but I agree that a vet visit would just apply more stress to the baby. I don’t think a vet could do really anything to help with a hatchling considering how small and vulnerable they are. Just keep an eye on it. (No pun intended) 😂😂
If the eye gets better after each misting, possibly dry eye issue. I got an ointment for my chams eye for that issue previously from the vet. Its called Well I will just take a pic. But I seriously doubt a hatchling that young can be treated. I say continue with the extra misting and pray s/he grows out of it. Ok this camera isn't cooperating. Neomycin And Polymyzin B. And bacitracin zinc ophthalmic ointment. Wow now that's a mouthful lol.
I’ve no experience with babies so take my advice with a grain of salt. When my adult veiled has a similar issue, and extra mistings weren’t solving it, I gently dropped plain saline water into his eye a few times. This helped him more directly clean it out.
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