Have you ever heard such a thing?

I have snakes and chameleons, i feed my snakes pinkies but have never had the desire to ever try to feed my chameleon a pinky. I mean why ever offer it if you have so many other insect feeders. I understand if your chameleon is under weight, but in the wild a chameleon more than likey will never find a pinky to eat. Sure they will help with weight gain. If you see it fit then go ahead, but he ready for the results.
I think theres one important factor thats been left out of this argument. Species! Some chams may have a diet higher in boned creatures and then others. Panthers, veileds, parsons, mellers, Big Chams, they are known to eat these animals in the wild. It only seems appropriate to feed to these animals to these species. I have feed anoles to lots of veileds and a few panthers. Digesting them doesnt seem to be a problem as the poo that contains the lizard looks the same as poo that containted cricket or other bugs. If anything my chams seem to have a tuffer time digesting butterworms. Blah
blah blah! Pinkes Bugs, Its all gravy baby........
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