Having trouble with FF culture


Established Member
I have made up a few FF Cultures using the mix provided by Ed's Fly Meat. I have put in the excelsior and about 50 or so Hydei. I dated my cup 5/21 and I don't have a single egg in the container :mad: Am I doing something wrong or just not patient enough? :confused:
Hi Amy,

D. hydei take a bit longer to develop and pupate-- much longer than melanogaster. I have never tried Ed's media, but have had lots of success using AZDR's (AZDR.com).

Keeping just the appropriate water to media ratio, temperature range, and making sure you don't add excessive amounts of yeast, should yield pretty good results. I have often added a bit of vinegar to the mix to prevent molding with success as well.


I set mine in front of the window thinking the warmth would be great and it wouldnt be too hot as an air vent is right there..Well, they have all shriveled..not went hard to pupate, but just shriveled and died.. I know before I cooked em. i set em on a heat linear bulb and whala, fried fruit fly eggs! So yea, they must be pretty sensitive. I have my other culture under my fish tank where the back is ope and it gets light but no directly.
I usually see maggots in 8 days for the hydei and 5 to 6 for the mels... warmth is a quick way to help them, I keep mine on the highest shelf in my bug room, heat rises an even the lights help the room stay over 75 F up there.Look really close and u should be able to see them tomorrow or at least the day after, dont throw it out, give it time.
if AZDR is who i think it is, the lady that makes the cultures is very nice, and i pick up all my cultures directly from her.

She really is good at it, lol i should have her teach me how to make em.

If your in AZ, she is in pets inc, around 10-2 every 2nd wednesday of the month.
I set mine in front of the window thinking the warmth would be great and it wouldnt be too hot as an air vent is right there..Well, they have all shriveled..not went hard to pupate, but just shriveled and died.. I know before I cooked em. i set em on a heat linear bulb and whala, fried fruit fly eggs! So yea, they must be pretty sensitive. I have my other culture under my fish tank where the back is ope and it gets light but no directly.

Put the culture in a closet, no direct light. Temps should be room temperature 70-85 I believe. It has been a while since I had my poison dart frogs but culturing these buggers isn't hard. Its that they can escape easily and friends/family think you have flees running amuck...
if AZDR is who i think it is, the lady that makes the cultures is very nice, and i pick up all my cultures directly from her.

She really is good at it, lol i should have her teach me how to make em.

If your in AZ, she is in pets inc, around 10-2 every 2nd wednesday of the month.

Yep, Amanda Sihler. They really know what they are doing, and have fantastic customer service.

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