He always wants out


New Member
Hello my pet chameleon graham wants out all the time. He eats and drinks Well. I had to put a towel over half of his vivaruim so he doesn't see me all the time and to stop him trying to get out every 5 minutes. Has any one got any ideas why he is doing this?
I'm interested in this to as my male yemen Freddie does this to and I think it is slightly effecting his eating. He seems to only eat 1-2 hoppers every other day and bolt for the exit as soon as he sees me and wants out. It's the total opposite to how my female was who would eat 10-12 crickets a day. I'm slightly concerned by this as he's still young 5-6 months
Temps are 90 to 75f. Nothing new in his enclosure. He has always been like this. It just started getting worse and worse now. Any ideas ?
Mine only been in his bigger tank 2 weeks so I guess he's settling in as its rather large. Basking around 86-90 then ambient is 72-4
What size is the cage? How old is he? How well filled with branches and plants is the cage? It's hard to say without a little more info.
It's 4ft by 2ft by 2ft it's fairly kitted out he's nearly 6 months ill attach a picture


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My sambava does the same thing. When he saw me he wants to go out. And he eats less. Only 1 or 2 grasshoppers a day
I feel my veiled just wants to explore. I really don't think it's a problem. One they get a taste of freedom they just want more
I guess so as Freddie just launches himself up my arm to my shoulder then stays there. It's the difference in eating that is beginning to niggle
What size is the cage? height of 915mm Width 862.5mm
How old is he? about 5 months
How well filled with branches and plants is the cage? more than half of the vivarium
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