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Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male Veiled, approximately 4 months old. Have had him for 6 weeks. He weighs a little over 6 grams.
Handling - 2-3 times per week for about 10 minutes at a time
Feeding - Feeding crickets (about 10-15/day), gut loaded with dark green leafy lettuce, and carrots, and occasional broccoli. Cup-fed
Supplements - Rep cal hertipvite, Rep cal calcium with D3, and Zoo med calcium without D3. Without D3 everyday, with D3 2x/mo, and herptivite 2x/mo
Watering - Dripper on at all times, mist 3x/day. I never see him drink directly
Fecal Description - Urate is bright white, and fecal is dark brown
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No
History - Got him from Tiki Tiki
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen, 18x18x36
Lighting - Repti sun 5.0 UVB, 50 watt incandescent, 12 on 12 off.
Temperature - basking is about 82 F, overall is about 70 F.
Humidity - fluctuates between 55%-75%
Plants - Umbrella plant, and some fake vines/leaves
Placement -Living room, not too high traffic, top of cage is 6 ft off the ground
Location - Maryland, just outside of DC
Current Problem - Last night my bf accidentally woke him up, Thor proceeded to hiss (for the first time), and fire up, getting increasingly angry. In the process of covering up his cage I heard a soft thud! It seems that he had been so disoriented from waking up, and scared that he misjudged his distance from a vine, and fell. He was very close to the top of the cage! I quickly placed him on a vine, and he proceeded to climb very fast to the top.
Am I just overreacting. I'm worried he'll hate us forever, since he was so scared last night.
Your Chameleon - Male Veiled, approximately 4 months old. Have had him for 6 weeks. He weighs a little over 6 grams.
Handling - 2-3 times per week for about 10 minutes at a time
Feeding - Feeding crickets (about 10-15/day), gut loaded with dark green leafy lettuce, and carrots, and occasional broccoli. Cup-fed
Supplements - Rep cal hertipvite, Rep cal calcium with D3, and Zoo med calcium without D3. Without D3 everyday, with D3 2x/mo, and herptivite 2x/mo
Watering - Dripper on at all times, mist 3x/day. I never see him drink directly
Fecal Description - Urate is bright white, and fecal is dark brown
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No
History - Got him from Tiki Tiki
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen, 18x18x36
Lighting - Repti sun 5.0 UVB, 50 watt incandescent, 12 on 12 off.
Temperature - basking is about 82 F, overall is about 70 F.
Humidity - fluctuates between 55%-75%
Plants - Umbrella plant, and some fake vines/leaves
Placement -Living room, not too high traffic, top of cage is 6 ft off the ground
Location - Maryland, just outside of DC
Current Problem - Last night my bf accidentally woke him up, Thor proceeded to hiss (for the first time), and fire up, getting increasingly angry. In the process of covering up his cage I heard a soft thud! It seems that he had been so disoriented from waking up, and scared that he misjudged his distance from a vine, and fell. He was very close to the top of the cage! I quickly placed him on a vine, and he proceeded to climb very fast to the top.
Am I just overreacting. I'm worried he'll hate us forever, since he was so scared last night.