He hates bugs


New Member
Hey its geb again. I can't seem to get him to eat I've got dubia and crickets and meal worms and wax worms and horn worms and he gapes puffs up and try to get away fro. All of them. I have not seen him use his younger in a month and so far I've only seen three poop near the days that I had to force feed him. What do I do.
Please stop making a new post for the same problem with the same chameleon. I'm tired of having to go back and read them all all over again to try to help you.

I've given you advice about feeding/gutloading, supplements, temperatures, etc. Have you followed any/all of them?

If your chameleon still isn't eating then there is either still something wrong with your husbandry or your chameleon likely has something wrong with it.

You said you haven't seen him use his younger...what's that?? Tongue??

Please post a recent photo of him and a photo of his setup.
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I'm sorry that I posted so many times. I couldn't find my post and I am using my phone so it's a little difficult. I'll take pictures tonight and no I have not seen him use his tongue at all
This is geb and his cage


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