He may not look like much now

but you just wait, he'll have his day soon enough

by the way, what do you guys think? he's eating ok from what i can tell and drinks rather well. so far so good.

Well i popped a few pictures today. None of them were great, but that's life. 1st, I took the picture only to discover the lens was dirty. 2nd, I took the picture but the auto function kept the flash from going off. By then he had ducked into his plant and there was no getting a good shot. I swear I have had an easier time in Scuba Photography than taking pictures of this guy. He's pretty shy, so i've only really tried twice. He was irritated in the first one, and was totally P O'ed in the second.


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helpful hint

just a lil hint.. instead of twisties for the branches, grab a spool of fishing line... Works like magic and doesnt rust!
yeah, here i was thinking he was growing kinda slow and not showing much color. I think he was a little younger than I originally thought when i first got him. If i had to guess, he's probably about 3 inches or so snout to vent, add another 2-3 for the tail
So i finally broke down and actually handled him for the first time today. i'm not going to handle him unless i absolutely have to. But while i had him out i figured i'd try for a picture and this was the best i could do. I think he's coloring up rather nicely.

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just a lil hint.. instead of twisties for the branches, grab a spool of fishing line... Works like magic and doesnt rust!

awsome, obvious enough why didn't i think of that, i was using copper wire coated with alluminum...

*switching out.
Another Update.

i've got another update for you guys. He was pretty laid back in the earlier picture. here's what he looks like fired up.

and now for the close-up
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