Head twitching..vet appointment booked, but looking for some support/extra info in the meantime

Hi again dear folks. So just today for the first time I noticed Wesley doing this head ticking thing. I am super concerned :'(

He is hanging out in his out-of-cage area where he has trees, and uvb overhead. He has his own whole room with lots of privacy. He also has access back to his cage via a vine that is attached to the trees, with the other side attached to a tree in his cage. A few times in the past, he has been bad and I have come back to find him crawling around on the floor and I have to help him back up to his trees. And so my first thought when I saw the ticking today was "oh shit, maybe he damaged his spine when falling." But he hasn't done that today, and until now has been totally normal, so I doubt that is the cause. Also I put soft, thick blankets on the surrounding floor to cushion any potential falls/daredevil behavior. I also watch him on camera from the other room now to make sure he's not doing anything dangerous. He didn't do anything of the sort today. And he's been acting totally normal until I noticed this ticking thing.

Since I first noticed it about an hour ago, he hasn't moved from the same spot on the tree. He has eaten 4 juvenile helix aspera snails today (his favorite food). They are gut loaded on the chameleon gut load recipe listed in the care sheets section here. Lately I've been alternating days of giving him silkworms, black soldier flies, snails, and crickets. I am not sure if diet could have anything to do with this. It seems like something neurological :(

Also, as I'm writing this now, I observed him moving again on the camera, and went back to check on him.

First 2 videos - how he was acting an hour ago (first time I observed him doing this)

Last 2 videos - how he is acting now.

Has anyone experienced anything similar, or know what is going on here?
As already said, it’s normal behavior for a male impressing a female. Nothing to worry.
Thank you for your response! And lol I wish I could give him the chance to mate at least once :'( But the live-bearing aspect about Jacksons makes that a no-go because I can't care for all those young'ins
Your guy is a handsome jackson! I know you are relieved. now you can cancel that vet appointment. Isnt this forum awesome!?! Maybe you can breed him with a female and just get the pick of the litter. The challenge would be finding a female Jackson owner near you, but its worth a try.
Your setup for Wesley sounds pretty cool. I’m supplying a kind of same setup for my Jackson. And also using pillows and stuff to protect him.

Mine even goes on his own outside and comes back 😅😅

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