I am getting the 24"x24"x48" ReptiBreeze. While I believe the glass terrarium is well enough, id rather be more calm and know she isn't getting a respiratory thing or something. PS my dad ordered me the big dripper system and my mom ordered 500 crickets. All of my money from working forever, gone. Plus $8 of my Christmas money. Do you think Petsitting would be a good idea while the owners are off on their holiday? I could just like feed the dogs and walk them or whatever, and care for the reptiles and small animals. I dunno. Whatever it takes to get $50 more towards that ReptiBreeze.
FYI look up how to keep crickets and have a BIG space for them, they will kill each other pr smother each other. Having 500 on hand seems a bit much, I buy 100 at a time and it lasts 2 weeks and about 1/3rd die. They are cheap by me but just some forwarning research how to gutload properly not just shitty fluker cubes and how to keep them alive for a long time...500 will last a while.