Healthy chameleon?


My buddy pickels has been on a hunger strike for a couple weeks now and he is acting fine, besides the fact that he fell of his ropes a couple times. My question is if he looks okay. He looks fine to me I think but wanted to see if you think he looks healthy. I force feed him (softly) and try to give him water. let me know! (his eyes look sunken but they are not) 20170218_102623.jpg
No. Something's off. I don't like the look of his legs. I recommend filling out the "how to ask for help" so we can get more information. I would also make an appointment with an experienced reptile vet. Don't wait to get him in. Chams often "look fine" up until they die. It's a prey animal survival instinct.
It REALLY depends on where you go and what's wrong I am extremely fortunate to live near a reptile vet, and his prices are really low! My first visit was only $90. Then the next, which included bloodwork and medicine was$150, i think? But I live in a smaller city, so our cost of living is much lower than most places.
I live in Vancouver Washington so it should not be that bad. Hopefully it will be lower than 200. I started a go fund me because I just don't have 200 to spend on an animal I payed 40 for (I know that sounds really bad) but if you would like to donate the link is
First of all. The go fund me link isn't allowed. And before you start a massacre on this site, that's not the way to go about it. Your $200 budget should be enough for an initial visit. Call around and find out #1 who sees reptiles and how much experience they have with Chams, in particular. #2 find out how much they charge for an office fee, and some other common expenses. #3 Ask them about payment options. Many offices are willing to work out a payment arrangement, because they understand how unexpectedly ill pets can be expensive.#4 Apply for Care Credit of they offer it.
I've been to the vet a few times recently with my cham for gout recently, a few times actually. I think the first two times were around $114 with x-rays and medicine, and the third time was just a checkup and that was only $15. It really depends on who you go to and what they do. Definitely ask if they can do blood work first, but some vets won't even try it with a cham. X rays will work too but not as well. Good luck
I've been to the vet a few times recently with my cham for gout recently, a few times actually. I think the first two times were around $114 with x-rays and medicine, and the third time was just a checkup and that was only $15. It really depends on who you go to and what they do. Definitely ask if they can do blood work first, but some vets won't even try it with a cham. X rays will work too but not as well. Good luck
Sorry I didn't specify, the first two were about $114 each, not combined.
I'm sure he didn't break any bones. His limbs look fine and his ribs as well he's acting compleatly normal besides the drinking and eating problem.
his eyes are only sunken because I had to grab him out of his cage and he was scared. His eyes are very normal and yes I know his legs are bad.
Its been a while sense i have been on the forums, and i took him to the vet after all of you kindly recommended it, and she said it doesn't feel like gout and its most likely side affects of the MBD he had when i received him, based on the fact it doesnt hurt, and its not getting worse, and he has a lot more signs of MBD like his crooked spine, and his tail. Over a year now, and it looks the exact same and he is doing better, he is on hornworms and phoenix worms now and hes recovering slowly but eventually he will be fine. The visit was only 60$ and thanks to all the donations i got on my gofundme, it was possible for my 15 year old self to take him. If you are interested, he has had an Instagram for a year now and its doing quite well. @pickelsthechameleon. Thank you all for your help :)
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