Heat and UV Morning Exposure


New Member
So I took all of your advice and didint have the lights on over night, (as directed because I was new with lighting). Now that I have it turned on again he is the farthest from the lamps and a dark color.

I dont know if it is because I disturbed him or because I turned the UV and the heat on right away?

Please help D:


3-5 inches.
what time is it where you are at? I noticed your post said 5:49 a.m.? I would not turn on the lights so early.
ok, so your concern is he is dark? Alot of times they will be dark in their cages. sometimes my chameleon will not go to the basking light for quite some time in the morning. He sits on a lower branch and then makes his way up and he is dark also.
He is dark with black blotches. Right now we only have fake type objects in the enclosure but I am working on making it better. Some people have said that its the chameleon trying to warm up but it has not moved for about an hour now. I don't know if that is normal or not considering this is my first Chameleon and I got him last night (around 8).
if you just got him last night he may stay dark for quite awhile cause he is stressed in his new environement. Make sue you have places for him to hide(lots of plants) so he is not intimidated being in the open. Give him some space and try not to keep watching him(I know it is hard) Also as far as being dark and absorbing heat, that is mostly when they are basking under their basking light. He is most likely dark cause he is scared cause everything is new to him.
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