Heat/basking light necessary?

I was just wondering this myself a few days ago, but I think it's still making the temperature variation within the cage - so they can regulate, otherwise they'd be stuck at one temperature because the UVB doesnt give off much? Thats my guess anyways, but I'm interested to see what others say! Its been 30C most of the day in my room lately. Yay desert... I know I've been definitely taking my cham out for some real sunshine, but that still gives shade... which would be cooler temperatures... Just theorizing now. :p
Unless they are outside no, but if he's inside then yes.

Well that really depends on the inside temp of the house and cage. If you have no AC and it is 85-90 degrees outside then your house is going to be hot as well on the inside and even more so. The OP needs to specify temps and circumstances and then we can give the correct advice. If the temps are in the 80's or 90's in the house you can always use one of the twisty looking bulbs(I forget what they call them) that do not give off much heat versus a regular housebulb just to light up the cage. the inside of my house is at a constant 74 degrees so I always have a basking light on in my indoor cages.
During summer months the room my chameleon lives in can get quite warm. 80F+. Weather in RI has been up and down this spring. We've had some days in the high 80s and today it's 48. I don't have an AC in that room yet. 3 windows and box fans seem to be evacuating the heat at night. I also switched my 60w bulb for a 40w. I guess time and weather will dictate what the next step will be.
Well that really depends on the inside temp of the house and cage. If you have no AC and it is 85-90 degrees outside then your house is going to be hot as well on the inside and even more so. The OP needs to specify temps and circumstances and then we can give the correct advice. If the temps are in the 80's or 90's in the house you can always use one of the twisty looking bulbs(I forget what they call them) that do not give off much heat versus a regular housebulb just to light up the cage. the inside of my house is at a constant 74 degrees so I always have a basking light on in my indoor cages.

Yep, didn't think about it since inside temps weren't specified & you're talking about the energy saving coiled bulbs.
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