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My chameleons are not eating..... my chameleon chalupa ive had for a year... he ate like a champ, crickets, roaches, n blue bottle flies. But then i moved three weeks ago n he hasnt been eating at all.. i toom him to vet they told me to collect poop, but he doesnt poo, because he doesnt eat... but his poop has come out watery jello like.. i have a 48" diy cage, 5.0 uvb compact bulb, 160 watt solar glo (temp is at 70 degree n basking at 80-90 i believe... i have a big dripper i leave on all day n mist once n twice a day... i tried showering him but only hides under the leaves... i firce feed him n honestly i dont kno how to get his mouth open, only if i pinch skin on his throat n pull his mouth open.. i squish guts in his mouth... he hasnt eatin anythin n he eats alot. Weird thing is he looks healthy.. my female cham i just got but shes the same... pls help...
Moving just a few weeks ago is a huge indicator that they are just stressed. It's just the same as if you had just bought them. They may be nervous or just drained from the move. Force feeding them is going to be the best way to lose their trust. With time, they will eat. They are pretty sturdy animals and in some situations, will go 2 weeks without touching food. Always offer it by either hand feeding or adding crickets (taking them out later if they haven't been touched), and leaving food in a bowl for them. Even if you are just leaving fruits and veggi's, it is better than nothing. Just give them time. If they want to eat, they most definitely will. As a side note- If you are leaving them in the same enclosure, don't. For one, they shouldn't be in the first place. However, if they are, being near each other could be causing additional stress. If they are still looking healthy, I would say don't worry about it. However, if they start to show signs of dehydration, starvation, and their colors are less prominent, definitely take them to a vet.
Are you housing them together? If so, that could very well be the problem. Can you post a picture of them and your set up? Chameleons should not be housed together unless they are babies. How long ago did he stop eating? Force feeding is a last ditch effort and as the other member said a healthy adult can go weeks without eating. How long ago did you change out your UVB bulb?? Are you dusting with calcium??
No i house them seperately... at different side of the living room... i even put plywood on side of chalupa cage so he has no sight of her... they never seen each other... but for some reason he knows theirs a female cham... cuz he spends alot of time on the screen humping it.. well he kind of stopped that... yess there's form of dehydration in his poop.... but yesterday he drank i mean... his colors are still bright n vibrant n hes active... goin on month without eating
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