New Member
My chameleons are not eating..... my chameleon chalupa ive had for a year... he ate like a champ, crickets, roaches, n blue bottle flies. But then i moved three weeks ago n he hasnt been eating at all.. i toom him to vet they told me to collect poop, but he doesnt poo, because he doesnt eat... but his poop has come out watery jello like.. i have a 48" diy cage, 5.0 uvb compact bulb, 160 watt solar glo (temp is at 70 degree n basking at 80-90 i believe... i have a big dripper i leave on all day n mist once n twice a day... i tried showering him but only hides under the leaves... i firce feed him n honestly i dont kno how to get his mouth open, only if i pinch skin on his throat n pull his mouth open.. i squish guts in his mouth... he hasnt eatin anythin n he eats alot. Weird thing is he looks healthy.. my female cham i just got but shes the same... pls help...