Height Enclosures


Long time lurker, first time poster. :)

I understand that chameleons like to be in tall places such as on top of trees and whatnot. But what happens if all I can get are small enclosures? Should I place them on top of a cabinet to give them that feeling that they are high off the ground?

What about room to move around in? How will I know to upgrade the cage size?
Hi KarmaChameleon1337.....I probably should have clarified the cage size...I was looking at a 16x16x30 cage. Even though several places say that it is a suitable size for a juvenile or a female chameleon, it still seems small to me. But you're right...I'll hold off until I can get a much taller cage size.
I'm not sure where you're located but diycages.com has 18x18x36" tall cages that are great quality for a great price. It's something to look into.
Depending on the type if cham/ age you wish to purchase that might be a great size... A lot of people prefer starting off with a small cage. Makes it easier for you to find your cham, for your cham to find its food...and it means later on when you upgrade youll have an extra cage for a new cham;)

and a lot of people build their own cages. You can be as simple or as intricate as you want, the cham wont care.
And yes, even with the 36" tall cages you can stick it on a cabinet or shelf and the Cham will probably be more comfortable. It will also be easier for you to look in.........
The bigger the better for an adult cage, but most people will use a small one for a baby/ juvenile to keep things simple
I didn't want to date myself....but, I owned chameleons about 15 years ago. When I met my girlfriend, they were still around. Now that I married her, three kids and three dogs later, its gone hectic. I went to a local reptile show not to long ago and it re-sparked my interest again.

So now, its a matter of finding the right cage PLUS the right look to fit the house decor. I know my wife is good with it, but I also know she doesn't want something that'll stick out from what she had decorated.
In that case perhaps building your own might be something to look into? That way you can stain the wood to match the rest of the furniture or something like that, and you can add your own design details to it. It's not as hard or daunting as it sounds.
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